Chapter Seven

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"As you all know, the Memorial Day parade is next week," Luke began. He looked around at his employees, but seemed to completely avoid looking at me. "They're doing a float competition this year, and I think it'd be a fun project for us and a good way to advertise. Of course, it's not mandatory to help out. I have a sheet on the office door to sign up if you're interested."

I glanced around at the other employees, but none of them seemed interested in it. I couldn't blame them. Why would anyone want to make a float? And on such short notice.

"I also need a few people to go through the inventory and make sure we are stocked up. Last year was a disaster and I don't want that to happen again."

"What happened last year?" I piped up.

Luke's eyes flicked to me. "We got busier than we thought we would and ran out of stuff." He went back to looking at everyone else. "Thanks for coming in guys. For those of you who are in shift this afternoon, I have a guy coming in to fix that dispenser. Someone needs to call me and let me know when he is here so I can come in."

"I'll let you know," Sabrina offered.

He smiled at her. "Thanks. Alright guys, thanks for coming in."

The people on shift went behind the bar and I followed the rest out of the building––I had a few hours to kill before I was on shift.

When I got home, I saw Emily in her driveway and in front of her stood her boyfriend who looked angry.

"I don't care," he snapped. "I told you I'm not interested in being around them or meeting them."

"That's what boyfriends are supposed to do! Especially when they've been dating the girl for a year! You should want to meet them!"

"Well I don't, so you can just forget about it. Do not bring it up again, got it?" He stepped up to her and I immediately straightened.

"Everything okay?" I called out to Emily.

They both turned to me. He gave me a nasty glare, but she smiled. "Hey, Taylor! How are you?"

"I'm doing good." I crossed my yard and entered hers, offering my hand to Brett. "I'm Taylor."

He glanced down at my hand, then at Emily. "Let me know when they leave." He turned and walked back to his car.

Once he was out of the driveway, I turned to her. "You okay?"

She nodded.

"Did I hear your parents are coming into town?"

"Yeah... they live in Japan, so I rarely get to see them."

"Japan? Wow, what are they doing there?"

"My dad is stationed there. He's a Captain."

"He's in the Marines?"

She smiled. "That's right, I'm a military brat."

I smiled. "I met quite a few of those when I was in the Marines."

She grinned. "Maybe, but I'm sure none of them had anything on me." She gave me a teasing look. "I knew you had been in the military, but Luke didn't say which branch."

For some reason, her last statement annoyed me. "You know, I better get going. I have to work later and I need to get some stuff done before then. I'll catch ya later." I gave her a small smile before going home.

I sat down on my couch and stared at the paint samples on the wall. I didn't really have anything to do before work, but there was no way I was going to let her grill me about my time in the Marines.

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