Chapter Twelve

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The wind whipped around my face as I made a second lap around the neighborhood. I was running harder than I usually do, but I needed to—the alcohol hadn't worked in keeping the nightmare away this time. The run felt like a punishment to my stiff body that ached with every step, a punishment I deserved.

"Hey!" A voice called out as I passed my house again. I looked at Emily, surprised she was up so early.

I didn't really want to stop my run, but my feet didn't seem to care as they veered me to the bottom step of her porch. She was sitting on the top with a mug of what looked like coffee in her hands.

"You're up early," I commented as I came to a stop in front of her.

"As are you." She took a sip before speaking again. "The parade is today and one of the people who was supposed to work the shift during the parade quit last night. I tried to get someone to cover, but everyone off already has plans. Which, I expected and I'm glad they do. It just means I need to go to the restaurant early to get everything done, so I don't have anything else I need to do later and can help cover. Being down one person is going to be rough."

"Would you like help?" The words were out of my mouth faster than I could actually register what I was saying.

She looked just as surprised as I felt. "You would help?"

I shifted uncomfortably and scratched my forehead. What I really wanted to do was slap my forehead. "If you need it, yeah."

She seemed torn, as though she wanted to accept my offer but felt too bad. Of course, I wouldn't have offered if a part of me didn't actually want to help. I didn't do things just because other people wanted it from me.

"What time do you have to be there?"


"I'll knock on your door at 6:30." Not giving her a chance to object, I turned and walked away. It was already 5:45 so I took a quick shower, got dressed, and knocked on her door.

She greeted me with a wide smile and stepped outside. "We can take my car," she offered, heading to her car with keys in hand, not allowing me to object. This made me smile as I followed after her.

When we arrived, the two men from last time I was there, Kyle and Logan, were already in the kitchen prepping. They greeted me cheerfully before going back to their lighthearted argument about wrestling.

Emily, her cousins, and I spent the next few hours prepping everything possible. When we were done, I left the restaurant with promises to come back and help out during the parade. But I still had my shift at Luke's bar to do until then. Sabrina was already behind the counter putting away glasses when I arrived. She grinned and waved me over.

"I just saw what Will did to your truck and it is amazing! Luke just left to get the arch on it. You're going to the parade right? You have to see it."

"I'll be around, yeah." My helping Emily didn't seem like information that Sabrina needed to know.

"Well, a group of us are going together if you'd like to join."

"Thanks, but I already made plans." I smiled, hoping the rejection didn't offend her.

"Well, maybe I'll run into you there."

"Yeah, maybe." But it was doubtful unless they went to Frank's Diner for dinner. I walked to the back and began helping Sabrina get things in the front completely stocked and ready for the parade crowd.


The patio at Frank's Diner was already brimming with people waiting for the parade to come by. There wasn't one empty table or seat inside either and suddenly the anxiety Emily had seemed to feel this morning made sense. This was going to be rough.

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