Chapter Eleven

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I stood waiting on the path as Luke came toward me, his face riddled with confusion. "Since when do you refuse to swim?"

The sigh that escaped my lips made his frown deepen—I ignored it. "I should be able to say I don't feel like swimming without being hounded."1

This time Luke sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. "I didn't hound you, Taylor. I asked once, and it was a perfectly reasonable question. Which is how I know there is a specific reason you don't want to. You wouldn't be so defensive."

"Even if there was, it's none of your business."

He stared at me for a moment before finally giving in. "You're right. It's not." His shoulders dropped in defeat. "You know... even if you aren't my friend, I'm still yours and I still care about your well-being. I am still someone who is here for you to talk to about anything, anytime. No judgement."

"Thanks, Luke. But... I'm not interested in heartfelt conversations about who I am and what happened to me."

"I know. I still want you to know that. Please stay. I didn't come here to ruin your and Emily's time. You don't have to swim. And... I'll try to refrain from prying into anymore of your personal business." He offered his hand, as though he were making a deal with me.

"Fine." I forced myself to shake his hand but quickly let go and walked past him, heading back to the waterfall.

Emily sat on top of the rock I had been sitting on and I couldn't help but pause for a moment and look at her. She was fit, and not the runner's type of fit. It was obvious she worked out. When she saw me, she smiled and, once again, I found myself wondering why she had said guys like me didn't notice girls like her. Hoping I hadn't looked like a creep, I smiled back and approached her.

"I'm glad you came back."

Her words, though I knew didn't mean anything beyond what they said, made me feel childish. I had stormed off like a child. I wasn't sure how to respond. Should I apologize and bring attention to it, or act like it never happened?

"When we're done here, we should go back to the diner and get some food—on the house, of course." The smile she gave me seemed to be telling me that she wasn't bothered by my outburst.

Although the offer was kind, I wouldn't feel right accepting more free food and I really just wanted to go home, so I said, "I actually have some errands to run when we're done here."

"Oh, that's alright." She slid off the rock. "I'm guessing we aren't swimming anymore?" She looked at Luke and he shrugged.

"You don't have to, but I am." He ran into the water and grabbed her, tackling her into the deeper area.

She came back up and splashed Luke in the face, acting extremely offended all the while giggling. I watched them from a log on the shore. I smiled at their interactions, but a twinge of jealousy inside my heart did not go unnoticed by me. I wasn't sure who I was jealous of more. Emily getting to be so carefree with Luke, or Luke being so carefree with Emily. Or both for swimming and having a good time. My eyes went to my shirt. It hid things I didn't want them to see, things they would question. My mood dipped considerably as my thoughts began to shift.

Without warning, my lap was drenched with water. My eyes flicked to the two of them, both were pointing to each other with a grin." I glared at both of them and stood up, balling my fists. "Who splashed me?"

Emily bit her lip and pointed to herself, which made Luke's eyes widened. "No, she didn't. It was me."

"I said I didn't want to swim."

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