Chapter Twenty-five

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"When's the last time you saw Fynn, anyway?" Emily asked as she grabbed her iced water from the counter at Starbucks.

"Not since our date. He's been too busy to visit."

"Why don't you visit him?"

"Well, Thanksgiving is coming up, I'll see him then."

"Do you know how romantic it would be if you just showed up at his dorm unannounced?"

"Yeah, probably in the arms of another person. I know how those movies work."

She laughed. "Oh, whatever. Fynn is totally into you. I saw the way he was looking at you after that incident at your house. He was totally in awe of you."

"In awe of me? Why on earth would he be?"

"Because of the way you came to his rescue, yet again. I imagine that sealed the deal for him. He's got it bad."

I considered her words–they gave me butterflies in my stomach and I enjoyed it. "Don't be silly. He doesn't have it bad." I rolled my eyes but couldn't hide the smile.

She gasped and looked me up and down. "If I'm not mistaken, I think you enjoyed being his savior and have it just as bad!"

"You're reminding me a lot of Sara right now."

"That's okay, Sara is great."

There was no denying that statement. I had decided that Sara was great the last time we had talked, and I understood why her opinion was always so important to Luke. "How about you? Any dates since becoming single again?"

She shook her head. "I'm giving all that a break. I spent a long time with him and I'm not ready to date. Not yet. I need time to get back to me and do what I need."

"Sounds like a perfect plan."

We sat down at the table Luke was already sitting at with his coffee.

"Where's Will?" Emily asked.

"Finishing another painting. Actually, his last painting for a while."

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "Retiring already? I know he's old, but I didn't think he was that old."

Emily laughed, but Luke only rolled his eyes and gave me a small smile. "No, the old man isn't retiring. But he is taking a break now that it's official."

"What's official?"

Emily and Luke shared a happy glance, and my eyebrows furrowed even deeper. "What's going on?"

"I'm pregnant."

My mouth fell. Why were they happy about that? Whose kid would it be other than Brett? And she wanted nothing to do with him now. "And that's a good thing?"

"It wasn't at first. I don't want a kid, regardless of who it's with."

"Will and I are adopting the baby. That's why he is putting painting to the side, for now, so he can spend time with the baby and share equal duties."

I didn't know what to say. It was crazy; I had no clue they wanted a child. But then again, Luke and I were only just now becoming close again. Why would he have shared that with me before? "That's... amazing for you two. I didn't realize you wanted a kid."

"We've been talking about it for a couple of years now, but we feel like we are just now in the position to do this. And with Emily, the opportunity just presented itself."

A smile slipped onto my face. "I'm really happy for you guys. And Emily, that's an awesome thing you're doing."

She beamed at me. "I'm thrilled to do this for them."

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