Chapter Eighteen

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My hand hesitated as I began to dial the number. I wasn't sure what I was doing or if it was a good idea. Ignoring the apprehension, I finished dialing, pausing once more when it was time to hit call. Should I really call? Did I really want to call him? I sighed and pressed the green button. After a second, it began to ring, and with every ring, doubt plagued my mind.

"Dr. Maxwell's office."

"Yes, hi, I'm interested in setting up an appointment."


"So you're really going to do this?" Luke asked me as he stared at the security cameras in his office.


"You couldn't find anyone closer?"

"I'm sure I could have, but... if I'm going to do this, then I want to do it with the best person I can get."

"And you'll be gone for twelve weeks?"

I nodded and Luke finally looked at me, relief apparent in his eyes. "I'm glad to hear it, Taylor."

His response made me smile slightly as my eyes flicked to the monitors just in time to see someone crash into a table. I threw the door open and ran out of his office, ignoring his calling my name out in confusion.

Before a rather large man could lay another hand on the man laying on the broken table, I grappled him off and shoved him away. He came at me in a drunken stupor, his arm swinging right toward my face, but I took a step back and let his drunkenness do the rest. He stumbled past me and fell into some chairs, tripping and falling to the ground. Too drunk and dazed to get up, the man closed his eyes and I was pretty sure he fell asleep. I turned my attention to the other man who was now getting up with the help of Luke.

"You okay?" Luke asked as the man sat down in a chair and rubbed his back.

He huffed and nodded his head. "I hope you plan on banning him."

"We have zero tolerance at this bar, so yes. He will be banned. Those who cannot handle their alcohol are not welcome." Luke's eyes flicked to me and I looked away guiltily. This guy had been me not that long ago, but here I was, back in the bar.

Luke made a gesture with his head, asking me to follow him, so I did. We walked behind the bar where he began making a drink. "When you come back, there'll be a job waiting for you."

"I'm not interested in being a barten—"

"Not as a bartender. As a bouncer. Mac quit last week, I can just hire a temp until you get back."

His offer was tempting, but I still didn't want to work for Luke. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"I think it's a fantastic idea." When I turn around, I'm surprised to see Emily sitting there smiling.

"Another art show?" I asked her as I looked at her yellow, lace dress.

She grinned and nodded, looking at Luke. "Luke and I are going soon, right?" She almost looked afraid that he'd say no. But he didn't, because Luke would never disappoint, or at least he would try his absolute best not to.

"Care to join? Luke offered.

"No," immediately slipped from my mouth, earning a look of disappointment from both Emily and Luke. I twisted my lip slightly and looked down at the drink Luke finished and handed me. Maybe I should go. All of them, even Will, helped with my decision to see a therapist. All of them deserved my appreciation.

"I mean...." Did I really want to go, though? Not really. "Sure, let me just... find something to wear."

"Really?" Luke asked, looking absolutely shocked. "You want to go to Will's art show?"

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