Chapter Ten

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Too bright and early the next morning, Emily was knocking on my door with an enthusiastic energy that made me want to throw a pillow at her. We hadn't set an actual time to go, but I didn't think it would be this early.

I made my way painfully down the hall to the front door, opening it for Emily who was looking extra bright and happy. I left it open so she could come in, then headed to the bathroom where my meds were.

"You're not ready?" She teased.

"Well, I didn't know it would be this early," I grumbled back, shutting the bathroom door.

I took my meds, went to the bathroom, then changed in my room. When I came out, she was sitting on the couch with her phone. She smiled at me and got up.

"Ready to go?"

"I'm sorry, I need a minute––I don't usually get around this early."

"Getting old?" She smiled playfully and I smiled back.

"Something like that. Have you eaten?"

"No, I thought we could grab something on the way."

"Okay, good." I went into the kitchen to grab my keys off the counter, then went back to the living room. "I'm starving." And I was. But I also needed time for the meds to kick in enough that it wouldn't hurt to move around.

Instead of opting for fast food breakfast, something I hated, I drove us to a small hole in the wall restaurant that my dad used to love. She looked at me in confusion and I shrugged.

"I hate fast food breakfast."

A waitress seated us in a corner and took our order. When the food came out, Emily grinned and looked at me then looked back at her pancake, which was decorated with a fruit happy face.

She scooted the fruit off the pancake with a smile and poured syrup over it. "My father used to love coming here."

I glanced at her in surprise. "So did mine."

"Yeah, I remember." Her eyes widened as though she had admitted something she shouldn't have.

"You remember, huh?" I gave her a wry smile knowing full well it would make her cheeks red.

"Just a little...." She looked down at her plate in embarrassment and I couldn't help but smile.

I took this time to glance over her face. She had mentioned before that guys like me didn't notice girls like her in school. But why? She was pretty.

"Hey guys!" Luke's voice suddenly came from behind me.

The sound made my heart jump slightly. When I turned around, I found Luke and Will standing behind us.

"You guys should join us!" Emily suddenly said. I turned back to her with wide eyes and watched as she got out of her booth seat and sat in mine.

Luke and Will came into view and they sat down in the empty seat with Luke sitting across from me.

"What are you two up two?" Emily asked Will.

"Just grabbing breakfast before I head out of town for a couple of days."


He nodded.

"How's Taylor's truck coming along?"

Will glanced at me. "I'm almost done with it."

"It's looking really good too!" Everyone's attention went to the grinning Luke who beamed proudly at Will.

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