1- Fear

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He slept in his bed.

He cried before sleep.

He hugged himself to cope with the pain.

To cope with a amount of bruises he has.

Jaehyung couldn't concentrate on the outside world. It was foreign to him. He does go out outside sometimes and meets up with his friend, the only person he saw trust in.

Other than a coffee shop, a park, and a beach, Jaehyung only knew his house. Everything else was unseen by him and he doubts he would ever get to see it.


Because his father wouldn't allow it.

Maybe it was the death of his wife, or maybe the break up from his girlfriend. But Jaehyung never really knew why his father had suddenly started to discipline him more often and harsher than usual.

It was foreign.

He didn't understand simple things like this. He hated it. There wasn't much he could do though so he took whatever was given to him.

A kick.

A punch.

A shove.

A belt.

He took it all.

And in his dreams he sees it.

He starts to understand more and more of how he feels. Jaehyung dreamt of many things, but he has recently encountered a reoccurring dream.

One that continues with each dream.

It was like a story. A sad and tragic story.

In every dream he had, a boy who looked nothing like him, younger, cuter, but frightened. He knew nothing of this person, but feared that look in that boy's eyes.

He feared it because that's exactly what it was.

In that boy's eye was fear.

The boy was always in a dark room and always banging on the door and tries to open it.

Jaehyung never knew why.

Why would the boy want to leave the room so badly. Jaehyung likes it when he's alone in his room so why would the boy panic like that?

It was foreign.

He's been having these dreams for about a month, and over time he thought of a name for the boy.


Jaehyung hopes the frightened boy didn't mind the name. He didn't want to keep calling Wonpil 'boy' all the time.

He sleeps.

He's resting.

And in his dreams

he sees fear.
Wonpil banged on the door, shouting, crying, begging to leave. He didn't want to stay, he didn't know what to do but panic. He was scared of what lies beyond the door but anywhere but this room.

This damn room with photos he hopes to destroy one day.

He knew what they meant.

It wasn't foreign.

His feelings.

His emotions.

Was nothing new.

"Please help me!" He begged as he continued to bang on the door hoping someone could hear him.

Hoping he could leave before his final piece of sanity left him. He needs to break free from here before they get to him.

Saving the boy's mind was all he cares about. But how could Wonpil save him when the door wouldn't open?

It was impossible.

The more he stays in this room

The more his sanity starts to break.

Omg my first fanfic on this account
Is it good?
It's shorter than what I'd usually write(I had an old account)
But I hope it's good enough for enjoymeant.

And just so you know, there's a lot of hidden meanings and elements in this chapter and for the rest of the story.

Look out for those!

Like A Flowing Wind (Jaehyungparkian/Dopil)Where stories live. Discover now