2- Sungjin

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(Decided: Sungjin is now a main character in the game)
(Decided: Friend)

Younghyun visites to coffee shop more often now. It was one of the only places he felt safe at when he's outside. Maybe it was because there was a familiar face that greets him every time he comes.

It was Sungjin, someone who he has considered a friend for a while now. They've even exchanged numbers and would talk to each other whenever he was on break.

Younghyun saw Sungjin to have very father like figure. He would get protective whenever Younghyun looked sad or get angry whenever Younghyun was mad.

It was like Sungjin was the father Younghyun had lost long ago.

"Here's your usual." Sungjin said with a smile as he gave Younghyun his coffee. Sungjin owned the shop and there were plenty of workers, but Sungjin took it upon himself to serve the people her personally knew.

Younghyun found comfort in that.

It wasn't foreign at all.

He liked that feeling of being with the people he knew.

"Are you on break soon?" Younghyun asked.

"I could honestly go on break whenever I like, I own the place, and it's a pretty small business." Sungjin sat across his friend with a smile, "So, how is life treating you."

"It's honestly been weird lately. Just yesterday I woke up to a dream that felt so real." Younghyun creased his eyebrows as he tried to remember all the details that went on in his dream. He was beyond confused.

"It was just a dream, nothing to worry about."

You are playing as the antagonist


Tell Sungjin about the suicide
Do not say anything
Change the subject<

"Yeah your right, anyways, what about you, how are you feeling lately?" Younghyun said in an attempt to change the subject.

"Oh, um—It's been fine, business has been booming since last week. Even got a few new workers too. How's Jaehyung, haven't seen him in a while."

Younghyun smiles, "He's been at his best in a while, smiles more too. He seems much more brighter, he practically glows. Jaehyung is in a positive mindset now, I don't know what changed him but I'm glad."

Sungjin froze for a second but then smile warmly at Younghyun before asking a question he's been wanting to ask for a while, "Do you like him?"


Answer truthfully<

"M-Maybe a little..." he looked away nervously or from being shy about admitting such a thing. Maybe it was his shame as well, a man loving another man was not considered the best life style in Korea.

"Ah...that's great, young love."

"You talk as if your any older than I am."

Sungjin chuckled, "Thank you for the complement but I'm afraid I must go now. It's starting to get busy." He stood from his seat and said his seat and went back to work.

Younghyun couldn't help but realize how formally Sungjin speaks to him.

It was foreign.

He never felt so respected like that. Jaehyung used to speak like that when they first met but then he became more casual which was fine but Younghyun liked the formality that was once there. Maybe he just never felt respected or he was just so arrogant that he wanted to be respected by all.

He went home soon after Sungjin went back to work. He wondered just what was Dowoon doing right now, so he took it upon himself to simply take a nap.

And on his bed he sleeps.

Wanting to see the boy in his dreams.

He dreams of a boy

who found the key.
Dowoon sighed as he opened the drawer he remembered the key was in. Maybe he benefitted from that weird event that occurred.

As much as he was happy to remember the keys' location, he couldn't get the vision of Wonpil's limp body in his arms out of his head. It was a frightful sight, he hopes he makes it this time.

He ran to Wonpil's door and quickly unlocked the door. The moment he opened it, a body fell on the floor but it wasn't dead. That was confirmed when Wonpil groaned and put a hand to his head.

"Ouch, that hurt..." the older boy mumbled as he sat up and looked up at Dowoon.

Dowoon smiled happily seeing Wonpil awake and breathing. He quickly hugged the shorter boy(a/n just realized he isn't that much shorter than Dowoon). He started to cry and grip tightly to Wonpil.

The older boy wrapped his arms around Dowoon as he also teared up.

"I-I'm so happy your okay..." Dowoon cried.

"Thank you, Dowoon, for everything..." Wonpil said gratefully.

The two stopped their reunion when they heard footsteps coming from the right side of the long and dark hallways.

"Who..." Dowoon's voice trailed on as he saw a male who looked older than he and Wonpil.

The man stood in front of them, he didn't look intimidating but be didn't look friendly either.

"I am Junhyeok, it's a pleasure to meet you."

(Decided: Junhyeok is now a main character)
(Undecided: Good or Bad)

Looks like I'm going back to my old ways of writing 1000 word chapters
NO this is not 1000 words but it's in the 800's
So close enough

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