4- Outside

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Even if he hated the outdoors,

Younghyun wanted to go outside.

Not alone.

With a friend.

Jaehyung Park.

He picked up his phone and looked for the number. Once he found it he called Jaehyung and patiently waited for an answer.


Jaehyung's voice was slow and sounded deeper than usual. That told Younghyun that the boy had only just woke up.

"I just wanted to know if you wanna go to the coffee shop today."

"Uh...sure,yeah. Just let me take at least one or two more hours of sleep. I'll call back so we could set up a time."

"Sounds great."

And just like that the small conversation ended with a smile his face. Younghyun looked at the time, he noticed that was quite early and felt a little bad for calling at such a time.

7:10 am is what the time was.

Younghyun sighed, he might as well do what Jaehyung is doing and just take a nap.

In his bed he sleeps.

Phone still in his hand.

He dreams of a boy.

A boy who continues to search.
Dowoon gave a sigh, he tried to talk to Wonpil again but thought that would only waste the little time they have left.

So he didn't speak to Wonpil.

He continues to look for they key. He knew that this was the only way to get Younghyun what he wanted—what he needed.

Younghyun was alone, Dowoon knows that. He also knows that this Jaehyung, Younghyun's important person, changes something in him. And slowly, Dowoon was born in his dreams.

He was created by Younghyun's imagination, though the boy didn't know that.

Dowoon opened a room door, it was a kitchen this time. He groaned.

A kitchen had many spaces for a small key to be hidden in. It was going to be difficult but he will keep on trying.

He wanted to break Wonpil free.

If he didnt then Jaehyung will do something he will regret.

"Pleas be in here..." he mumbled as he quickly looked through every space in the kitchen. Dowoon jumped when he felt his body being pulled away.

"No, no, no! Don't wake up yet!" He shouted.

But it was too late.
Younghyun was awoken by the ringtone of his phone. He picked it up and answered it without looking at the name.

"Hey, so it's about 9 something now, how about I meet you there at 10."

"Sure, I'll get ready now."

And there Younghyun was.

About to go outside

to see the one person he cared the most for.

His only friend,


Fun fact:
In my old account I wrote over 1000–2000 word chapters.
But for some reason I feel less stressful while writing these 300–500 word chapters.
It's more enjoyable.

Like A Flowing Wind (Jaehyungparkian/Dopil)Where stories live. Discover now