3- Inside

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Jaehyung sat in his desk chair.

Looking at the photos.

They were pictures he took

while walking around with his friend.

A picture of a beach

with a high pier on the sand.

A picture of a coffee shop.

A picture of a side walk

with art on it.

A picture of his mother.

That one was not one of his travels.

Jaehyung sighed as he lays his head on the desk. His father was to come home soon. He decided to dream of Wonpil again, see how much he's progressed to escape the room. Now that he thought about it, it was his room that he sees in his dreams.

Everything was exactly the same. The only difference, it was Wonpil yelling to break free from the room and Jaehyung internally begging to never leave the room.

On his desk he sleeps.

His head resting in his arms.

He dreams of a boy

who begs to leave.
Wonpil had his back against the door, he sits on the floor completely silent. What was he to do? Jaehyung has seen the photos.

He only hopes Jaehyung does not know what they mean.

His body jumped when he saw and heard the door bob turning. His eyes showed some sort of sign of excitement but deep down he knew the key would never be found so easily.

"Why is this one locked..." a voice mumbled from the other side.

Wonpil's body stood from the floor, he puts a hand on the door. "Who's there?" He asks. He heard a small yelp coming from the person.

"D-Dowoon..." the person spoke quietly.

Wonpil's eyes widened, "Who names you?" He asked with more hope.


That was him.

Jaehyung's important person.

"Who are you?" The voice spoke with more confidence.

"I'm Wonpil. Jaehyung named me."

Dowoon gasped, "Thats Younghyun's important person." He whispered to himself.

"Please, Dowoon, break me free. There isn't much time before...he's waking up. Dowoon, please find the key, I need to leave!"
Jaehyung woke up to the slam of the front door. His father was home. He rushed down stairs to greet the man who lives with him.

"What do you want?" The man asked. His glare burned through this son's scull.

But Jaehyung didn't think much of it.

"I just wanted to welcome you home. It's what you told me to do."

"I'm pretty sure I didn't give you permission to speak."

Jaehyung tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"In other words, shut the hell up. God, your such a dumbass, can't believe your my son."

With that, Jaehyung left the room. He was grateful his father was so calm today. He was happy that he didn't get a beating yet.


And there he continued to sit.

On his chair

in front of photos

of pictures he took

while walking around with his friend.

I can't write abusive parents Incase you didn't notice
I'd that a good or bad thing?

July 3, 2020
Update: Abusive dad dialogue has updated to a more logical speech

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