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Alex's pov: alex sighed and changed, maybe Lauren's needed some space, but after 4 hours he decided to go help.
"John are you okay?""I'm o-ok... I-I-I think" alex could hear Johns soft sobs, his heart hurt at the thought of him being sad.
Alex opened the door, "sorry but you need something," alex went over and gave him some asprin "this should help with your crying..." he gave it to John and and he smiled. "Thankyou, that is so nece," John said wiping his tears. "I feel better."
Alex hugged john, "oh no classes start in 7 minutes!"
They both rushed up and got ready, john was wearing a blue cardigan with a striped shirt of grey red and blue, Jean's and converse.
(A/N all my bmc fans will get it) alex wore a flannel with boots and some skinny Jean's, he carried around the flag of his home country as his hankercheif. He tied his laces and said goodbye.

John pv:
John's first class was art and his teacher was mr Dubbeis who was reached them how to paint with red. He was doodling turtles though since he already knew how to paint. He looked over and saw this kid a few seats down, he wasnt painting either he had finished his. He waved and smirked, he blushed. Class ended and he went to see who the boi was,
"Hi I'm thomas" he said southernly.
John laughed and blushed, "my name is john Lauren's but you can call me john" they shock hands and john blushed madly. "I got to go darling, I'll see you later," he winked and left. John blushed and waved back.
This was going to be difficult.

The next chapter I'm really gonna try and do something to ng really nice.
Thomas has a crush on John, awkward!

Thanks for my first read! Shout out to you!


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