Tea Time

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Little baby turtle pov

John tramoed down the stairs oif the dorms, anger envopling his whole brain and body. How DARE Alex be so so terrible and bad?!?! He didnt think alex could hurt someone in such a way, but the video dont lie. John only had one place to go. He needed his caffeine. He always drank a secret  menu turtle-corn frapppapchisno that he created the recipe for himself. It was sooooo goof.

(A/N I love Starbucs so I totally had him get aome offbrand starbucks xD)

He needed the comfort of his favorite coffee shop, Revolution Coffdd.

He entered the shop, and smelled the delicious seed of his favorite place. As he was about to walk up to the counter he heard a cry,

"'Ello mate," said a fimilar british voice. "I've never seen you around" john gasded, it was Ageorge the third favorite youtuber!@

"Oh my gosh! George you ares my favorite youtuber, I love your among us videos! Specially your among us in real life videos!" John fanfgirled. "Wow thank you," said the king of london. "I am flattered to meet such a cutie as a fan." He smirked.

" john  blushed which turned his freckles shartruse because of the blush.

George smiled and pulled a rose out of his coat, "I'm Geotge, I'm sure you already kknow that though, I'ma pretty famous..." he smilled smugly.

John couldnt believe what he was seeing! His favorite man ever in the whole world ever was standing in revopolution, coffee!!!!!!!B!(# 

Johnny babi tapped his toes on the floor. "H-h-h-h-h-i, what are you doin un america george the third of britain????! How did you escape britain?!?!,!?!"

"I'm here on some.... busness mission... yeahhhh. Thats why i have my body guaurds with me, its importent." john gaseped.

"Oh my gosh!" He said flabbergasted. "I cant believe I'm with a real life celebrstty. I'm not one special..." he said with a sad pout.

George put his manly hand onto John's delicate lady chon, "I think you are soooo special, i think you are special enough to be my lover. ." George smiled cutely.

John gaesped in shock! How could someone so famoose and cool like someone as smol and lame as john......

"Dont gasp... your so amazing... I cant even believe I found you.." he smiled.

"What did you mean find?"

"Hahahahahaha mothing."

"Ok! Well,,, ive not gonna lie george... ive been have some troubling times right now... i could use a comfort man to help me" john felt like he was betraying his love, alex, but then he remembered the beating, and he felt no remorse. He needed someone who was the best, and georie was that someone.

George smiled at john, "what donyou about being my man.?" George asked smirkily.

"J think I will be your boyfriend," john said, touching the tips of his fingers together cutely "And we will be lloveeachother."

"Yes... perfect... now hesd all mine... all mineeee" george whispered seductivly

"Huh? What you say?"

"Hahahahahahaha nothing."

"OK! Oh! Bodyguard number two! What happened to your eye?!!/!/" john gagesped

"Oh. oh. Uhm- i was defending my love- I MEAN my BOSS from an attacker" samuel said quickly and fast.

"OK! Whats your guys name?"

"I am samuel and this ius james, we are guarding his body."

"COLL! Ok.. what do we do now georgie weorgie? John smiled so happy he had someone

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