The Storm

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Alex walked into the door to their dorm and looked around.

"just in time too" said john. "It looks like it's going to rain soon." Alex starred at him.

"A-A s-s-sto- or- rm..." Alex felt hot thick tears welling up in his eyes, he could feelt the water grasping at his throat as it rose higher and higher, it was 13 years ago when the storm happened but he could remember it like it was yesterday.

"What's wrong Alex?" John frowned, he was upset that Alex looked so unhappy. "Its oK lexi-bear, we can go to the ppark some other time!!" alex looked at hium with pain and sorrow. "I-i-i-ts nOt the p-par-ark..." alex sniffled in his nose and his face got a deep shade of chartreuse red. The storm outside rumbled louder, banging and slamming on the windows.

Alex could see himself running through the streets, people screaming, people dying, dogs drowning. He could barely see through the thick sheet of rain. Russia was known for its storms, but nothing like this...

Alex started to pant, he felt himself shaking and his legs felt like jelly, he wasn't sure what was real and what was just a viral memory. John placed his manly hand on alexs shoulder

"Lex, whats wrong? The park isnt that important..." alex shuddered and sprinted into the room and into the restroom. He locked the door and slid onto the cool wet cold tiles. The flashbacks, they were coming.

The watter began to puddle at his shoes as his sat in his basement with his mother, she was sickly and holding him as the basement flooded with water. The thunder thundered so loud his eardurms rattled, his mother gripped him but he felt her grasp getting weaker...
"Momma no..."

Alex started hyperventilating and he gripped his knees as he sat again the bathtub against the wall, he remembered a russian folk song.

"I can't help but yearn... for a different time... and I look in the mirror and the present is clear and there's no denying I'm..." Alexs singing turned into a mumble and soft sobs as he felt the sounds of violent waves crashing in his mind.

"Its ok baby boy, my little lion baby, i must let go.." alex screamed out, holding her sickly arm "momma no!!! Stay with me!!1 i cant get enveloped by the waves!" the water was rushing deep in to the dark basement, and his little baby feet were soaked. The lightening was striking people outside, he heard screeches. His mom... went limp, whispering "stay alive alexander, for your momma..." alex screamed and cried as he heard the storm slowly died down.

"Are you ok!" john yelled from outside the door, "A-Alex!?"

Alex mumbled incoherently, he couldnt hear anything other than the screams of his people and the violent sound of water rushing in through the basement door. John started yelling, so concerned for alex. He started kicking at the door to try to get to Alex. alex could only think that it was the russian government coming to save him after the storm.

As the door broke down, john rushed over to alex,

"Alex?? Baby... breathe ok? Whats wrong?" alex tried to speak but couldnt, he just whimpered in fear and breathed very heavy and deep and quick. John grabbed some anxiety pills off of the bathroom counter and popped them into alex's mouth. Alex's breathing slowed and he calmed himseldf a little. John helped alex uip and over to the couch, he sat him down next to him and stroked his long dark greasy hair. Alex slowly slumped into johns arm, finally calm and ok. John blushed harshly and and smiled.

----time skip brought to you by alex being such a smol bean----

Alex blinked his eyes open to see john resting his head on his head. Alex smiled, but then remembered what happened and his eyes widened in so much shock.

"Johny... i-i-im so so-sorry about that..." john looked down at alex,

"Its ok babe, but can i ask what happened? Why did you get so freaked out?"

Tears stung alex's little eyes, "it was... the storm. Back in russia there was a big storm. Many many died and passed out, and there was so much water.." john gasped

"Im so sorry alex.." alex sniffed

"My momma... she died that day.. The russia government came and took me away, and thats when i knew i wanted to leave russia and com,e here.... And now ive met you, the best boyfriend," john grinned so big, and hugged alex tight.

"Wanna watch disney movies and eat some ice cream from the freezer?" alex snuggled into johns shirt "youre the best, of course" Finally everything was ok. Nothing bad would happen at all after this and it would all be fine.


George pressed the button sharply and exhaled sharply,   

"He will be mine... all mine..."

Thomas nodded, "Yeah, yeah we get it, what's our next mission, sir?"

George tapped his fingers, "We must prove to john how terrible alex truly is..." thomas nodded. George rung a bell and summoned samuel, "darling I must have you do a favor..."

Samuel nodded quietly, "Yes... Anything for you... George..." George held his hand under samuels chin, "good."

George pulled away and looked at thomas, "You know what to do."

"Yes, sir."


Oh my gosh guys!! all the support I've gotten for this fic has been amazing! you guys have really inspired me to keep writing! I expected no reads on this, and got 200!! i am so happy!

Sorry if the grammar is bad, I made sure to use spell check but my ex-friend couldnt edit because... well, we're ex friends. don't ask :P

Anyway! I had to include some some of my second favorite hamilton ship, kingbury. its just so cute! XD I am working on a kingbury book with a friend but we won't publish it since it's just for fun

Thanks so much for reading!


(1015 words!!)

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