
23 2 3

Alex got up so early to make breakfast for his lover john. He looked over john as he slept. "What a cutie pie" he thought as john droooled a little on the pillow. He was going to make blueberyy pan cakes with syrup and blueberries on the side and blueberries on top with whipped cream on top and espresso with white foam inside on the side. As he was about to start the oven to make it hot, he got a very omniouass text.

'Someone needs to talk to you, meet me in the alleyway on yorktown street on the corner of Mercer boulevard' sent by thomas.

Alex gasped out loud, he almost knocked over his large carton of blueberries, he wasn;t sure if he should even trust thomas after wat he did to him ad jhon. Alex pondered really hard... what should he do? It sounded URGENT. He decided ti let johnny baby sleep, and make his delicious breakfast when he got back. He kissed little john on the forehead, it still a little slippery from the night, and he set out. He put on his dark deep forest green converse, and slipped on his green zipup hoodie over his white t shirt and his blue jeans. He patted the russian flag in his pocket and walked out of the dorms.

As alex reared around the corener, he saw thoman standing against the alleyway wall, tapping his foot in fast, funky motions. Thomas looked up, his afro bouncing slightly, and he smirked deeply as he saw alex appruach. Alex felt a bad bad feeling in his tummy, one he used to get back in russia. The feeling that stuff was gonna go down.

"So... you actually showed up huh

Yeah.. i did... what do you need...

"I have someone who needs to talk to you" thomas smiled evilkly

Alex looked into the alleyway to see none other then samuel seebery emerge fofm the shaddows, his cross necklace dangling in the wind.

Samuel stepped forward into the ligh "hm?" sam made the boise.

"What do you mean hm?" alex made a angry face

"I expected you to be prettier being that your dating john and maria" samuel looked smug at him.

Alex felt the hot heat rising into his cheeks, the words that were excreted from samuels mouth made alex want to SCREAM! How dare he insalt him like that???@???!? And bringing in JOHN??? And MARIAAA nonetheless???? He couldnt stand for this. He had to do something. The rage diastrubuted throughout his body and into his FISTS.

He sauntered towards samuel. He couldnt control anything now. It was all up to his anger. Everything felt so slow like motion, and alex watched as his hot angry sweaty fist connected with samuels smug face. That smug turned to PAIN as samuel fell to the ground. The hot anger went all the way down to alex's feet. Alex heard samuel cry in pain as he kicked him hard. This wasnt like alex, but all of the terrible things samuel just said couldnt be brushed off like lice. He had to do his worst. Alex kept kicking and punching until samuel was begging and groaning to stop. Alex slowly lost his fiery spirit, and realized what he'd done. He looked left. He looked right. He then bent down, whispered "im sorry m,an" and sprinted away as fast and furious as he could. He didnt even look to see what happened to thomas... little did he know....

Thomas had turned on his phone camera anf recorded the hole thing, he would show this and show hwo bad alex actually was. And he would get his cash from george and he would be filthy rich.

Samuel stood up and wiped himself off "I thought he would be able to hit harder" samuel checked the straightness of his tooth. Thomas hummed in agreement,

"He was real quick to pussy away when you started beggin' for mercy" he said with his southern twink. Samuel grabed his phone and touched huis emergancy contact, "we did it."


(Timeskip brought to you by my bestest friend ever mia😜)

Alex had finished his delicious homemade breakfast for his lovebug john. He couldnt get his brain off the fight that had occurred... it wasnt like him. He felt terrible and so sad. But johnny could always make things better. He heard a groan, and knew that john was awakening. He put a half fake smile into his face as john emerged from the bedroom. His eyes light up in joy at the sight. Alex had even put a turtle on johns panvcakess in blueberries!! John smiled so wide "i love you sooooo much alex, you are the best boyfriend ever and nothing could change that." alex gave john a deep hug, rejoicing in the fact that at least john knew he deep down was a good person.

He watching john swallow doen his pancakes with joy./ "after this wanna watch some dream minecraft manhunt videos??" john nodded and they were so happy.

As they finished watching the dream smp video from georgenotfound john got a massage on his I phone 11 series x, "excus me I have to read this messgae"

Johnwent to the corner of the roem to read themessage that was sent to him by thomas his enemy.

Hey john... i know we got off on the wrong side of the bed, but i really thought you might wanna see this... i was walking by and saw this happening, and you just need to know...

John saw an attached video meddage, he felt his heart thump.

He saw a video of his beloved boytoy alex violently punching and kicking a poor man. John gasped, his heart rate dropping to below 0, he couldnt believe his iris's. He looked over at alex, feeling so so so betrayed ad hurt and ANGRY. How... how could alex do this to hims\... how could alex hurt someone so bad?!??!?!

John gassed.

"how could you..?" je cried softly

"What do you mean sugar boo, do you really think dream cheated? Those are rumors babe," john snifed.

"You best up a boy on the alleyway and fled the crime!" john sobbed words of sdness and ANGER. "No no i can explain, he was-"

"Save it" y=john put his hand up ad gabbed his teenage mutant ninja turtle sweatshirt and went towards the doer, "you are a bully and yu have lost all your chances."

Alex cried, "No johnny please..." but he was already gone out the door out the building and out of alexs life. Johncouldnt believe that alex, the alx he loved and knew for ove 3 weeks could dp thst to someone like samuel who was so smol. Samuel was so nice looking how could he ever beat him up like that and for no good reason.

John stompd away anrgily, he was done with hat no-good freeloading jerk face IDIOT.


Alex crumbled to the floor, his heart breaking in twoi whole pieces. He couldnt believe it, thoman must have recorded the whole debacle!!! Alex was so full of shame and fear for the future. How could he get his lovely baby john back now??! He sobbed into his manly hands, his heart opumped. What would arise from this conflict?


Geirge finished tending to samuels wounds which were minimal and made by weak scum folk. Thoams stood silently in a corner watching.

"You sent the video to john correct?" thomas nodded heavily.

"Yes and I saw him storming off towards the local revolution coffee chain," george hummed and rung a bell.

"Get my driver ready, we're making a coffee run."


OMG GUYS!!!! That chapter was so juicy!!! I cannot righjt now! I am so excited to share this one with you guys, i really feel like i convery emotion really well in this chapter, im proud 😊 you guys have been so amazing! I couldnt have written it without the support of my loyal royal fans, and my new friend who used to be my bully. Love you guys!~ ❤😚💕🔥🥳

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