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Alex sat up in his bed, alone. He sipped some water and got up tired. He walked to the kitchen and made a cup of coffee for himself. He was totally grumpy without coffee!
His bofriend john came out in cute rainbow turtle pajamas  "hey alex".
"Hey" Alex drank his coffee and sat on the couch, john joined him and kissed his cheek. "I love you" john said.
Alex got up and started to grab his stuff for school, "buy  john see you later," alex left.

He got to class at 5 am and he saw a super pretty girl across the classroom. 'You cant be looking at a pretty girl with a boyfriend!' Alex yelled at himself in his noggin.
She saw him staring and she smirked, alex blushed. Oh no! Sinning was illegal in russia and she could see his blush!
Alex looked away quick only to see thomas, he scoffed to gimself. The girl started batting her eyebrows.
When class ended Alex started leaving when the girl came over.
"Heyyyyyyy" (Uwu) she said. "I'm maria, who are you?"
"I-im alex," he said shyly, he was blushing so much. "Do you want my number?" She said. Alex shook his head and RAN. He didnt want to cheat on john their first day together as a coupel. He went home and went to his room to do some work, he felt gullity.
John came and hugged alex and kissed his cheek, "hey sweetie I made dinner. Your favorite"
"You made tikal masala?"
That was his favorite traditional russian dish, because it reminded him of his mother before she died.
Alex ate his diner so quick, it was so delicious. And suddenly he got a call,
"hi?????" He answered.
"Hey, its thomas," alex frowned. "What do you want?" He asked.
"Yknow maria?"
"Yeah..." alex was suspishous.
"She is my cousin and she has a crush on you," alex gasped and john looked at him.
"I dont care," alex said, "yeah you do" he said back.
Alex grumbled, he didnt care what Thomas had to say.
"I will get my cousin and she will kiss you," Thomas said he blushed so big. He would of gotten the electric chair for his sins back in russia.
Thomas chuckled "you like her so much I will just tell her maybe..." thomas threatened. Alex couls not contane his gasp and john got concerned.
"are you ok Alex? was the tikka masala chicken bad and you feel like you are getting food poisoning?" john furrowed his eyes and placed his hand in alex's shoulder.
alex shook his head and sighed...
"I am just having a internal conflict..."
john sighed and smiled at alex
"it's ok i get those too, maybe you should take a shower that always helps me with stress"
alex looked up at john, tears in his eyes,
"ARE YOU SAYING I NEED A SHOWER?!" alex cried, his emotions taking over.
"No!! I-" alex sprinted towards his room, leaving john with his ootstrecthed hand.
A/N: nuuuuu alex it was a misunderstandinggggg

alec sat on his floor, years streaming down his face. he got flashbacks from russia, the wars and hardship he want throughh. his head pulsed agrrresikvly and he got PTSD so so bad. john meanwhile sat, lonly in the living rom with nobody but his stufffed tertle King turle the Third. His tirtle was named after his favorite youtube king george the third. he was super famous for being the kind of british.
alex feel alseep in the floor, and john on the couch with his stufie besides him.
alex woke at the bright and early time of day, getting flajsbcaks from the night before. he decided to walk to class early so he didn't have to confront john. the cool air reminded him of russia. despite all that happens there, it was still held a lot of memries for him. he walked solemnly to class, a few hours early but it was ok.
as class began, he saw that lady mariah walk sexily in. he looked away and stared at his notes. he heard a familiar smirk that he knew belonged to that bully thomas. his heart pumped crazily as he remembered the call he gave just the night before. alex also remembered the fight between him and john, and he sighed sadly. it felt like john... just didn't love him...
as he glanced at maria, a hot warm rosey blush spread across his cheeks. the rules embedded in him from russia left his mind. if john didn't love him... then... NO. he couldn't be thinking of this. he LOVED john. he loved him so much. Alex couldn't concentrate the rest of class. his brain was going crazy.
john sat, lonely, wondering if alex was ok. he missed him...
he hoped he was ok.

Hey guys I'm super happy to get this out after the whole situation! I reached 1009 words! 😊😊❤🥰

thanks so much 😆😆

See you guys next chapter

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