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Alex blushed hard, maria was so pretty and hot and sexy and cute. Alex tapped his foot together because he was super nervus and maria kept looking over and smirking. Thomas smirked too and he was going to get alex and john to break up there relatonship so he could have john. So he wanted Alex to kiss his coosin so much.
After class ended Maria came up to alexa and looked at him in the eyes. "
"do you want to go to the back of the school and kiss,"
Alex gasped for oxygen.
"I don tr think so I do, alex said
Maria flipped her hair "come with me ham sandwich"
Alex laughed at the cute nick name.
Maria brought him to the back of the school and looked at him intensely. "Alex, I know you like me si much," she says. "Thomas told me,"
Alex gasped. How could he tell her
She looked at him and clossed her eyes, alex did too and eventually their lips couched. Alexed pushed her away, "we can not kiss, I have boyfriend," alex wiped his lips and ran away. All the while Thomas sighed and joined up with maria, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "We'll get that man next time."
Alec sprinted back to his dorm, tears in his weary little eyes. he slammed open the door and saw john standing in the middle of the living room, a phone to his ear. "you mean... alex kisded mariah?!" alex's has dropped all the way down to the floor. "NOOOOOO it was just a little peck!!" johns hand dripped the phone onto the floor, and he ran out into his room. "john nooooo!!!" alex got so depresseding and sad, as john cried in his room.
john opened his phone to distract himself from all the pain, and saw a notification for where his fanfiction he was writing, since he liked writing. he ooened the notificaton, and saw that someone had saved his fanfic to a folder!! he smiled, thinking about how people must like what he wrote! then he saw it... someone has saved his fanfic to a folder called "bad fanfictions"... john looked at the username... skyfairy3307. why would anyone do this?? he sobbed harder, whispering words of sadness and pain. alex beard these words and opened the door quietly. "john? what happened?" john told alex how this person hurt him so much, and making him so sad. alex comforted john, rubbing his hand on his back and giving him comfort. when john calmd down, he looks over at alex, "was it really just a peck...?" alex nodded sadly, "she made me do it..." john nodded, happy he has alex back to comfort him so mych. "i forgive you, thank you fir being here for mr" alex cried tears of pure joy and happy, and they hugged nicely. finally... they have forgiveness. A/N: CAN YOU IMAGINEEEEEEE, FORGIVNESS, THEY ATE GOING THROUGH THE UNIMAGINABLEEEEE
now... everything seemed ok...

wow! finally! sorry for not posting for a week i was camping, and planning this story! you guys better get exited because it will get so so good! also i don't know if you guys picked up on what was happening, but i explained the reason for my highateus, and i just wanted to spread awareness for hate on fanfics, bceuase it really stuck with me. i hope you all have an amazing day!!


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