The End

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Hey guys... its been a while :P
Kayla here! Now i know what your thinking... "WHERE THE HECK DID YOU GO??"
Well... long story XDD So i had a lot of personal stuff happan. My laptop got brocken and my dad... well lets just say hes in jail now. But im ok! And i finally got a laptop as an eARLY christmes present. So im back! Now listen... this chapter your about to read is VERY old... written a few months ago. Its SOOO CRING NOW XD
but i joined back to watpad aand realised this has almost 300 reads???
so i knew you guys would want the last chapter.
I am so so so sorru for being gone so long, but i know my loyal fans and friends wil still reed this.
Thank you all so much for the support on this story. Its been a long year and a half. to those people who have suckt by my side, had changes of hearts, and been here since the begginning, thank you.

This is Kayla,

Signing off.


Johny wonny pic

John dangled his toes off of the large luxouirious bed as he loveingly watched george poilish his large crown collection. He looked over to John with weery eyes, "john... my love... do you like it here?"

John looked up with surprise, "qhatd do you mean georgie?"

George looked at the mirror of his vantity and at john through the reflection john made. "I mean..." he said with a long pause. "Do you... do... is... is this enough for you my love juhn?"

John wiggled his toes in confusion, "its so baeutifyl george I am so thankfrum for your riches"

George looked away for a milliseconds "I know my hotel is amazing... and my crowns beatiful... and my servents gelpful... but, what's about me??" He asked with such concern as to contact jihn.

John looked over but didn't say much until he spoke "U think I like you to, but your riches are so good, we are dating and ai like you so much... your hair is golden like the gold of your crowns and of all your pennies, and your eyes are blue like a blue car

"I know all that... I have man servents and yes men to tell me those things, but john, I am good to you??? I am the best I can bee light?"

John looked at him with a smol and tiny little smile "I like u george, just for you"

George smiled "that's vhaf I wanted to here"

John looked at the beautifjl walls with there pretty designs and flowers, rhey reminded him of Alex's favorite flowers...


John would NOT think of ALEX. Alex was a bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a JERK. He shouldn't think of alex no more since now he has george... who is so good and also rich

He wondered where alex was... was he ok? Was he thinking of john in his nightmares? Or his dreams? Or was he just a jerk face. John shook his head, "I will not think bout him..." he whispered silently.

"What was that my sweet baby boy?" geote questioned in his very rich man voice. John looked up and smiled so cutely.

"Nothing... Just remmmincincing..." George nodded and turned back to polishing his crowns and jewels and riches.

John didn't need that terrorble man. He had his gorge. And thats what mattered.

Lexi pov :(

Alex wiped his wet eyes, his eyes were weat from tears of sad. He was being deported across the fence to russia, and he was sk devasteddevastation about it he cried a little.. his john... his beauotful, cute, smol, adorable, cute john... He was... h3 hated him... and he didn't even get to say goodbye for the last time.

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