chapter 6 I think

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two chapters in one day! I'm proud of myself

Puck's POV

"okay okay okay. I did do that. BUT. In my defense, you're SO into me and I knew it even back then." No point in holding back any more, she's already mad. "You're just too shy to say anything because you have a fear of rejection! That's why I'll never be into you. You're always afraid of everything."

Was that a hurtful thing to say?

I feel like that was hurtful

I don't even think that last bit is true

Sabrina's POV

wow. just when I thought he couldn't get any worse, he went and did it. He came at my feelings. Yes, I used to like him, but now, I don't even know. And besides, he said it himself, he'll never be into me. Tears begin to well up in my eyes. I start to walk off, just hoping that he doesn't bother me anymore. I just need some time to myself to figure out how to get out of here. I mean, technically, I've already kissed him twice. It can't be that bad to do it again. The downside is that Daphne won't let this stupid "ship" go. What the frickle pickle does that even mean??

Puck's POV

Guess who made her cry again? Me. It was me. I don't even care at this point. She cries over everything. She'll get over it soon. I do feel bad, but only a little. I'm not gonna follow her though. I don't even know if I should make it up to her. Maybe she's right... maybe I should just kiss her so she can get the space she wants. I'm tired of her odor stinking up the place all the time.

Back to Sabrina's POV

I think I'm just gonna turn back and kiss him. That's what I have to do right? Simple, easy, little task. It's not like the kiss means anything. Okay, here I go

Narrators POV

As Sabrina turns back to find puck at the tree, puck wonders whether he should just find her and get it over with, or apologize to her. Determination floods through Sabrina's veins as she stomps through the forest. Finally, their eyes meet as she closes in on the location. Fire almost flaming out of her eyes, curiosity evident in his.

"Back so soon Grimm?" he calls out to her.

"Get down here now." she simply grumbles

he does as ordered, and starts to apologize

"first, I would like to-"

"Shut up" she snaps back

she gets close to him, and opens her mouth for a few words

" You. Are a complete. Jerk. "

as she finishes her sentence, she smacks him right on the face, her face red with anger seeping out of her pores

"but, I have to do this so I can just get out of here"

Sabrina's POV

I grab his stupid hoodie strings and pull his face towards mine. Our lips crash together. I need to be pulling away, just a quick kiss.

seconds go by, our lips are still connected, his hands are on my waist now.

His lips start to move on mine, and for some reason mine move with his.


Puck's POV

She pulls away, sadly. She glares straight into my soul and then storms off toward the door. She has absolutely no idea where we are. She's gonna get lost. I'm gonna watch her get lost.

Little bonus Puck POV during the kiss

I place my palm on my stinging cheek, she slaps super hard. I didn't even hear what she said after that because of the ringing in my ears. next thing I know, she grabs me, and out lips are connected.

And for some reason, I don't hate it.

She hasn't pulled away yet, I move my body just a bit closer to hers, placing my hand gently on her hips and I start to move my lips on hers.

To my surprise, hers do too.

her lips are so soft

Spicy amiright? *wink wonk*

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