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"there's no way we're leaving the house today," sam groaned, standing up slowly.
"i figured," i chuckled, smiling.
"jesus christ," he hissed in pain as he started to walk towards the door.
"i'll carry you," i grinned, scooping him up in my arms bridal style.
"you asshole, be careful," he grumbled, wrapping his arms around my neck with a giggle.
"sorry, tesoro," i mumbled, kissing his forehead and carrying him downstairs carefully. i put him down on the sofa and he winced, adjusting himself to a more comfortable position.
"what do you want for breakfast?" i asked, ruffling his hair.
"could you please make me some toast?" he asked with a smile, looking up at me.
"of course," i chuckled, crouching down and pressing a kiss to his forehead before going to the kitchen. jake was stood in there on facetime to tara - i could hear her voice from across the room. i nodded to jake and started making me and sam some toast, yawning as i waited for it to cook.
"where's sam?" jake asked, taking a bite from an apple.
"he's in the living room," i explained, stretching with a grin.
"ok. i think we should all have a movie night tonight and i can go get some popcorn and stuff," he suggested, taking another bite of his apple.
"yeah, sure," i chuckled, the toast popping up. i put it on two plates and spread some butter across it, bringing it in to sam.
"we're gonna have a movie night with jake tonight," i explained, handing him his breakfast and sitting cross legged next to him.
"ok. thank you," he grinned placing a kiss on my cheek.
"you're welcome," i said over a mouthful of bread, covering my mouth. he giggled and continued eating, his thigh pressed against mine. the same thigh that i'd made countless hickeys on last night. i smirked to myself at the thought, rubbing my hand up and down his thigh.
"stop," he giggled, lacing his fingers with mine.
"why do you want me to stop?" i chuckled, smiling at him.
"you know exactly why," he grinned, shaking his head.


"jake's going to get tara and go to the store and then we're gonna watch the film," i explained, sitting down next to sam.
"what film are we watching?" he asked, resting his head on my shoulder.
"the shining, i think," i put an arm over his shoulders, him moving slightly to get more comfortable. he didn't wince this time, which was good.
"your ass feeling any better?" i asked with a chuckle, noticing the confused look on his face.
"shut up, yeah it is. and isn't the shining a horror movie?" he furrowed his eyebrows and looked up at me with a pout. i gave his pout a quick peck, grinning at him.
"yeah, it is. why, are you too scaaaaared?" i teased, poking his side.
"shut up, cole," he laughed, grinning.
"don't call me cole!" i gasped, my mouth wide open jokingly.
"alright, alright. but actually if i'm scared i might cry," he said matter-of-factly, giggling.
"i'm here, if you get scared just don't look. i'm here, i'll protect you," i chuckled, leaning in to kiss him. he giggled and completed the kiss, lacing his fingers in my hair. he pulled away with a grin, looking me right in the eyes.
"i love you," he giggled softly, smiling.
"i love you more," i chuckled, caressing his cheek with my thumb gently.
"no, i love you more," he whined, grinning.
"no, i love you more, and it's final," i chuckled, kissing him to keep him quiet. we pulled away and he huffed, folding his arms.
"i know you can't stay mad at me," i chuckled, pressing soft, gentle kisses on his cheek.
"you're right," he grinned, giggling.
"lay here," i mumbled, moving so he could lay inbetween my legs. he moved slowly and winced only slightly, resting his head between my stomach and my chest, our legs tangled together.
"you're too cute," i chuckled as he wrapped his arms around me.


i just converted to soundcloud and let me tell you it's the best decision of my life-

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