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(time skip to just past graduation, colby has a job)

"im back," i yelled, walking back into the house, sam bounding up to me.
"how was work?" he giggled, pulling me into a hug.
"it was good. how was it here?" i asked, walking through to the kitchen with sam a step behind me.
"it was boring, just per usual. as soon as tara gets here jake spends all of his time with her. i'm not saying he can't but it's boring," sam huffed, sitting on the countertop.
"aw. well at least i'm here now," i mumbled, standing inbetween his legs and placing a kiss to his lips.
"mhm," he nodded with a smile, kissing me
once more.
"i'm hungry, what do you want to eat, bambina?" i asked him, chuckling.
"oh, i already got chick-fil-a not too long ago," he explained, sliding off the countertop and walking over to the microwave. he opened it and handed me some food, making me chuckle.
"thank you, il mio amore," i grinned, kissing him softly.


"you know that surprise i was telling you about ages ago?" i said to sam, him looking up from his phone at me.
"mhm?" he nodded, closing his phone.
"it's almost done. in like a week or so it should be ready. i just thought i'd tell you before everything happens so you know that it's gonna happen. and it's gonna be quite a change," i explained, pulling him onto my lap.
"what do you mean by quite a big change?" he asked, tilting his head to the side slightly.
"i can't explain too much because i'll ruin the surprise. but it's a good change, i promise," i chuckled, hoping he liked it. i'd checked out the apartment and it was pretty good, it wasn't too small or too big, it was open plan too so it was pretty spacious.
"ok. whatever it is, i'm sure i'll love it," he giggled, kissing me softly. i chuckled and let him crawl to the side of me, snuggling inbetween my arm and
"you're so cute," i chuckled, picking up the tv remote. he giggled and grabbed the covers from the other end of the bed, pulling it over us and up to his face.
"i love you," he said softly, nuzzling his head into my side.
"i love you too," i smiled, kissing his forehead gently.


"i think we should go for a walk," sam announced, walking back into our room after going to get a glass of water.
"it's literally midnight, sam," i chuckled.
"that's not my name," he frowned, followed by a giggle.
"bambina," i rolled my eyes and he grinned, standing at the end of the bed.
"what're you doing?" i asked with a chuckle as he just stood there.
"i wanna go for a walk," he repeated, nodding.
"baby, it's too late. we can go for a walk tomorrow morning," i explained, sitting up.
"but i wanna go now," he whined.
"i would, but it's too late, we can go tomorrow. c'mon, come cuddle," i tried getting him to drop the act.
"fine," he huffed, stomping over to the bed and laying down, facing away from me.
"tesoro, don't be mad," i sighed, trying to cuddle him from behind. he shoved my arm away from him, pulling the covers up to his face.
"baby," i frowned, wondering why he was acting like this.
"we can go for a walk tomorrow morning, il mio amore. please don't be mad," i sighed again, trying to cuddle him from behind. this time, he tensed up, but let me and loosened up after a little while.
"i just wanted to go for a walk," he sniffled quietly.
"are you crying, bambina?" i asked, tilting his head towards me gently. he sniffled again and brought a hand to his eyes, wiping away tears that lay there.
"baby," i mumbled, kissing him softly. "why're you crying?"
"i don't know. i've been r-really emotional lately a-and i don't know why," he said quietly, rolling over to face me.
"i'm sorry baby. it's ok to be emotional. we'll go for a walk tomorrow morning, ok? i promise. i love you," i mumbled, pressing my lips to his.
"i love you too," he pulled away with a soft smile, wiping his eyes again and snuggling up to me.


guess who may be working on a new book 😳😳

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