10. Getting the boy to fang (I)

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"So it's sliced avocado, rolled oats with apricot, the Aveeno moisturiser after every bath, and then-"

"And then the shea butter on his tush before his PJs," Drac said for Mavis, who was worrying terribly, "and then 20 minutes with the nebuliser while I read his Learning Factory Phonics book to him."

"It's asking a lot, dad. We could just take Dennis with us." Mavis said. Johnny, wearing his backpack was holding sleepy-looking Dennis.

"What? Are you kidding me? And get him off his routine? No, no, no. You kids go to California, and see if it's the right place to raise Denisovich."

Johnny passed Mavis their son. "And you remember how to video chat?"

"Yes, yes, with the phone and the buttons and the agony." Drac said. As a bat, Irene perched on the Count's shoulder.

"Thanks for being so understanding, dad. I know you'll keep him safe." She beamed.

"Of course, Mavey. Stake my heart and hope to die."

"I'm just gonna miss him so much." Mavis set her son down and kissed his nose. "I love you, Dennis."

He kissed her nose back: "I love you, mommy."

"I'll tell him Mavey-Wavey stories every night before bed."

Mavis hugged him: "You're the best. I love you, dad." He hugged back and set a cheek on her head.

When the 124 year-old let go, Johnny welled up and hugged Drac. he leaned back and gave him a horrible look from behind his chest. "I'm gonna miss all you guys, you're all my family!" Johnny declared. Drac rolled his eyes. "Love you, Drac," he squeaked in joy.

The vampire put on a phoney smile. "Yes, I love you, too." He hunched down to Johnny's level and growled in the boy's ear: "Now, remember the plan. Just keep her distracted and happy. But not too happy, capisce?"

"Got it. Operation 'just keep her happy but not too happy, capisce' starts now. Cool?" He pointed, grinning.

"Smiling on the outside." Drac did just that and pointed, too.

"Will you hug my backpack?"


After a while, Mavis, Backpack and Johnny got in the funeral car-cab and drove off. Dra held Dennis and the three (Irene on his shoulder included) waved. Dennis rubbed his eyes and moaned tiredly: "Back to bed..."

"Ah, yes, we'll get to the bed, we all love the bed." Drac smiled softly. "But we're just gonna do one thing first." Another funeral car came. It skidded and swerved. A Zombie was driving. The rest of the gang came out of the revolving door, holding suitcases.

"Is it shorts weather where we're going?" Frank asked.

"Jeez, I hope not," Murray said, "my body isn't swimsuit-ready yet."

"Whatever, where's Griffin?" Drac looked around. Irene turned invisible.

"Hey, can I have a second? I'm just saying goodbye to Emily." He held two champagne glasses.

"Oh, brother." Wayne grumped.

"I'm gonna miss you so much, Griffin." The Invisible said in a girly voice, moving the second champagne glass. He changed to his normal voice: "You know, you have to be strong, honey. Because what we have is unbreakable." He began kissing where 'Emily' was meant to be. He made sobbing noises. "Now, babe, don't cry, everyone's looking."

"Okay, I gotta call him on this." Murray whispered.

"Just let him play it out, get it over with." Drac said.

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