Chapter 5: The Hangout

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Bailey: Wake up lazy ass

y/n: stfu

Bailey: Come on hurry. Put on something nice.

y/t (your thoughts (if u forgot)): I totally forgot about meeting with the boys today. I have to wear something nice

 I have to wear something nice

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Bailey: Ur looking fine

y/n: it's nothing

Bailey: U sure ur not dressing up for a certain some one??

y/n: well maybe

Bailey: I see how it is

y/n: shut up bitch

Bailey: okay ugly ass

y/n: look who's talking. I look like a whole damn meal

Bailey: Let's see what Ale thinks

y/n: alright bet

We went downstairs to eat cereal before leaving.

Vanessa: U girls look rly good today

Bailey: Thanks!

y/n: Oh by the way Vanessa, can we hang out with some friends after school

Vanessa: okay but be back by 10pm

Bailey: Okay we will

y/n: thanks

Vanessa: Ur welcome have fun

We finished eating our breakfast.

y/n: wanna take my car today?

Bailey: Sure

We got in my car and started to head to school. I found a parking spot and we went inside to get to our lockers. I was hanging out at Bailey's locker until Ale came up to me.

Ale: Hey, y/n! R we still on for hanging out after school

y/n: yeah ofc

Ale: sweet. U look nice btw

y/n: aww thanks u too!

*Ale's POV*

Did I just tell her she looks nice? Will she think I'm desperate? Did she just say I look nice? What's happening to me? Shake it off Alejandro, she is the perfect girl and you can't screw it up

y/n: Ale? u still there?

Ale: yeah I'm sry

y/n: it's okay I'll see u in class.

Ale: okay see ya

y/n: bye

Wtf am I thinking. I can't just doze of in the middle of a conversation

*your POV*

y/t: that was weird why did Ale just blank out like that

Bailey: I guess u proved me wrong then

A Kiss Is Just A Kiss! Or Is It? ~ Alejandro RosarioWhere stories live. Discover now