Chapter 19: Not like this

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I woke up to the sound of a beeping monitor. There was a nurse next to me, when she saw I woke up she called in my dad and Vanessa.

y/n: what happened to the car?

I asked shakily. 

Vanessa: more like what happened to you

y/d: where were you going?

y/n: I needed to see someone

Vanessa: who?

y/n: Alejandro

y/d: why?

nurse: please try not to ask to many questions she just got out of surgery 

y/n: I had surgery?

nurse: yes, you were under anesthetics so you couldn't feel anything

y/n: right okay

y/d: is it okay if we bring her friends. They really want to see her

nurse: that's fine but they have to come in one at a time

Vanessa: that's alright

y/t: I think I know who it is, but I doubt Ale is here because of how he was feeling

First Kairi came in.

Kairi: Hey y/n, how are you feeling

y/n: hey Kai, um I'm okay I guess

Kairi: it's good to see you again

y/n: yeah it is. I did miss you guys

Kairi: we know

y/n: haha

Kairi: it's nice to hear you laughing again. I hope you feel better soon

y/n: thank you, me too

Kairi walked out and Robert came in.

Robert: y/n!

y/n: Robbie!

Robert: You kinda look high

y/n: ha it's the anesthetics that kept me asleep during the surgery

Robert: damn a surgery

y/n: yeah that's what I thought

Robert: We told Alvaro what happened and he wants you to know that he misses you and hopes you feel better

y/n: aww tell him thank you and I miss him too

Robert: bet

He walked out and Mattia walked in.

Mattia: Alright who did this cause I'm finna beat there ass

y/n: same as always Mattia. How are you?

Mattia: no, how are you?

y/n: i'm fine

Mattia: you know I heard this thing where when girls say they are "fine" they really aren't

y/n: Well I just got in a car crash so

Mattia: haha I know but really, how long are you staying in here

y/n: I don't know

Mattia: oh, we are all glad you're back and we hope we can still be friends

y/n: you know what. I'll be one of the rat fucks again

Mattia: you never left shorty

y/n: tell that to your boyfriend

Mattia: whatever, feel better soon

A Kiss Is Just A Kiss! Or Is It? ~ Alejandro RosarioWhere stories live. Discover now