Chapter 12: New York

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Bailey: WAKE UP!

I groaned as I turned onto my stomach

Bailey: We can't miss the flight!!

y/n: ughh I hate you

I grabbed my phone and went thru the messages

da rats😤

dino🐢: yo yall ready

olaf😈: ive been ready tf

monkey🙈💕: das it bruh

roshauna💙: so u guys leavin us out huh?

aloevera😎: ^^ agreed

roberto👀: that hurts man

olaf😈: u three were in Florida

roberto👀: surprise

roshauna💙: WeRe GeTtInG tHe BaNd BaCk ToGeThEr

aloevera😎: hehe

dino🐢: yall playin

monkey🙈💕: fr?

bitchbailey😝: im lost

olaf😈: bruh can u read

bitchbailey😝: damn chill 

                                                                                         y/n😋: can u guys let a girl sleep smh

monkey🙈💕: ur still sleeping ur gonna

be late

dino🐢: i swear to fucking god

y/n if u make us late

olaf😈: I'm getting on the plane myslef

roshauna💙: I'm going with Kai

roberto👀: bruh u don't have a ticket

roshauna💙: fuck it

aloevera😎: damn papi u finna make me

act up

monkey🙈💕: hey Roshauna is mine

dino🐢: what about y/n

                                                                               y/n😋: yeah!!

monkey🙈💕: fine Alvaro can have


roberto👀: hold up when did Ale get a girl

bitchbailey😝: a while ago

aloevera😎: and we didn't know!!

olaf😈: oops

roshauna💙: ALE U CHEATER

                                                                            y/n😋: I can take ur man if I want to


aloevera😎: hey I'm still here

olaf😈: hey y/n and Bailey r u guys ready

bitchbailey😝: yeah were in the car

monkey🙈💕: finally

dino🐢: right!

A Kiss Is Just A Kiss! Or Is It? ~ Alejandro RosarioWhere stories live. Discover now