Chapter 15: Birthday

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*still Ale's POV from last chapter*

The last 11 days have been bomb, but it got even better when we were coming home to see Alvaro, Robert, and Roshaun. When y/n met the three of them she was super happy. She told me meeting my friends is a way for her to get closer to me. That makes perfect sense. Wait! The only friends of hers that I met are Bailey. Did she have friends at her old school? DING!


baby😘😝: wake yo ass up and

happy bday bitch i love u

                                                                 me: bitch i'm up

                                                                   i'm up tf and thank you i love you too

baby😘😝: hehe are you free

                                                                  me: yeah wanna hang

baby😘😝: yes! my parents are


                                                                    me: mine aren't there gonna 

                                                                    "surprise me" 😏! but Nano is

baby😘😝: kinda want to meet 

Emiliano tho

                                                                      me: he really wants to meet u too

baby😘😝: aww bet I'm coming

                                                                      me: see you soon mi amor

baby😘😝: mi amor? that's new

but I can fw it see you cutie❤

                                                                   me: lmao bye😊 

As I waited for y/n to come over I decided to to go annoy Nano and tell him that she's coming.

Nano: what are you doing in my room!!

me: damn why you pressed

Nano: you said a bad word I'm calling mama

me: okay tell her she already knows

Nano: no fair why can't I

me: your too little

Nano: whatever

me: are you forgetting something

Nano: oh yeah happy birthday hermano

He hopped off his bed and came to give me a hug.

me: that's more like it gracias

I looked down at him and noticed how cute he is. I always am happy to be with him whether it's annoying, playing, helping, or loving him I'm always happy.

me: oh y/n is coming over in a few. Remember her?

Nano: how can I forget you keep talking about her

me: ha don't tell her that Nano

Nano: why not?

me: she will think I'm simping

A Kiss Is Just A Kiss! Or Is It? ~ Alejandro RosarioWhere stories live. Discover now