Chapter 17: Gone forever

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I was driving fast in the car, wanting all this pain to end. Finally, when we arrived I ran inside and told my dad I want to get on the soonest flight to Illinois. He agreed and booked one. He also let me talk to my mom on the phone.

y/n: mom?

I said with my voice shaking and tears flowing down my face for the millionth time today.

y/m: y/n is that you?

y/n: yes it is. I'm coming home mom

y/m: really? I'm so glad, and I'm sorry for everything. I just couldn't keep you because I was on the verge to being homeless. I'll tell you the full story when you're home 

y/n: okay the flight is tomorrow in the morning I'll be home soon

y/m: alright honey see you then

y/n: bye

I hung up the phone. I was walking to my room when Bailey stopped me.

Bailey: look at first I was using you then you grew on me please stay

y/n: why? so you can use me to get a boyfriend, no way

Bailey: I want you to stay because I love you

y/n: stop! don't you know what you've done to me. I'm tired of hearing those words. So many people have told me that they love me Bailey, but it doesn't stick anymore.

Bailey: is this about Ale?

I froze. I thought of all the memories we had. I shook off the thoughts and quickly went up the stairs and went on my phone.

                                    da rats😤

olaf😈: y/n why did you leave so quickly

aloevera😎: what happened?

roberto👀: Alvaro lets go on private text

dino🐢: y/n??

roshauna💙: at least tell us when ur flight is

                                                                                                                   y/n: tomorrow morning 6am

olaf😈: you didn't even say bye

                                                                                                                    y/n: bye

dino🐢: you can't do that

                                                                                                                     y/n: watch me

roshauna💙: Ale stop ya girl

monkey🙈💕: uh

olaf😈: Ale?

                                                                                                                       y/n: were not together anymore

dino🐢: WHAT

aloevera😎: damn so much has happened since I left

roberto👀: stfu we got another person in the fam leaving

                                                                                                                            y/n: can we pretend I 

A Kiss Is Just A Kiss! Or Is It? ~ Alejandro RosarioWhere stories live. Discover now