Chapter 9: Christmas Break

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Finally, Christmas Break is soon. We get off school tomorrow, this year the school board has decided to extend the day back to school to January 15. January 14 is Ale's birthday. I want to make it super special for him. We have a long time until his birthday. I'll wait a few weeks then start planning. We have school today and then its break time! I woke up and got ready.

 We have school today and then its break time! I woke up and got ready

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(this is the outfit)

I went to go see if Bailey was up and she was brushing her teeth while sitting in bed.

y/n: u better hurry up if u wanna be on time

Bailey: mhmshfjf (brushing her teeth)

y/n: okay okay I'll see u downstairs were taking my car

She nodded so that she didn't drop any toothpaste on her bed. I went downstairs to eat some cereal.

Vanessa: Ur Aunt was wondering if u can go back home for a couple hours on Christmas Eve so that u have some time with them

y/n: yeah I'll go I rly miss Layla

Vanessa: Okay I'll tell her

y/n: why didn't she just text me?

Vanessa: She did

y/n: Oh I didn't notice

Vanessa: That's okay sweetheart. Listen ur father and I have a really important business trip to take and we'll be gone for a few weeks. That means were gonna have to miss Christmas

y/n: oh okay that's fine does Bailey know

Vanessa: not yet I'll tell her when she comes down

y/n: okay

I checked the time

y/n: oh shoot I'm gonna be late! Can u tell Bailey to take her own car?

Vanessa: yes ofc

I got in the car and drove to school as quickly as I could. When I arrived at school I still had 10 minutes to get to class. I saw the boys waiting for me at my locker.

y/n: Hey guys

Kairi: finally what took u so long

y/n: I was waiting for Bailey but she was taking forever so I just came by myself

Ale: ha! so anyways there was this rollerskating rink that people made into an ice skating rink and I was wondering if u guys wanna do that this weekend

Mattia: sounds dope

We all agreed to going and then we started walking to class. 15 minutes into class Bailey arrives. She looked like shit. This morning she didn't look this bad.

y/n: wtf why r u so late and what happened to u

I whispered.

Bailey: shhhhh don't worry about it

A Kiss Is Just A Kiss! Or Is It? ~ Alejandro RosarioWhere stories live. Discover now