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The sound of the doorbell penetrated my slumber. With a groan, I rolled over in my bed. The only light in my bedroom came from my alarm clock and I struggled to focus my eyesight on it.


You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, I thought as the doorbell rang again, this time accompanied by frantic knocking.

I threw off the covers and cringed at the assault of cold air. I looked down at myself and realized I was not decent.

The doorbell sounded again as I fumbled around, attempting to get dressed. I hopped down the hallway on one foot as I pulled on a pair of leggings.

Whoever was knocking had to have a sore hand by now. I peered through my peephole in an attempt to identify my midnight visitor. Surely I wasn’t seeing him clearly…

I unlocked and opened my front door. No, I was seeing things perfectly clear. Josh Hutcherson was standing on my front doorstep.

“Pack a bag quickly. I need to get out of here now and need you to come with me,” he said by way of greeting.

I simply stared at him, dumbfounded.

“Well don’t just stand there! GO!”

Oh no. This Hollywood pretty boy was NOT going to order me about.

I grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him inside, slamming the door shut after he cleared the frame.

“We aren’t going anywhere Mr. Hutcherson until you tell me how you found me, who sent you, and why you are here,” I said as sternly as I could muster at this hour.

He swallowed hard and I didn’t miss it.

“I uh… I…” he began nervously.

“Spit it out, superstar,” I bit.

He gulped again. Well at least I had made it clear with a couple sentences that he was not going to order me around like some servant.

“I was sent here by the FBI. I’ve been receiving threatening phone calls and I’ve been followed around in my hometown,” he explained, his voice shaky.

I waited for the pitch line. It didn’t come.

“And this has what to do with me, exactly?” I asked.

“Well you’re going to protect me!” he shrieked.

And now I was fully awake.

“Excuse me?!”

He took a step back from me and raised his hands slightly.

“They said I could come to you because you weren’t busy,” he informed me.

“Not busy?!” I raised my voice.

He cowered away from me and fully raised his hands in defense.

“Please,” he begged. “I’ve left my family in the middle of the night and drove a fair few hours to get to you.”


The six-letter word I hated.

He looked like an abandoned puppy that hoped it had found someone to take it in and love it. The longer I looked at his face, I noticed his fatigue and bloodshot eyes. It had been a hard decision to desert his family and come to me, and it had been a tearful goodbye. The idea wrapped its hands around my heart and gave it a squeeze.

Well, that was all very touching but we couldn’t leave until my superiors were contacted and I was briefed on this assignment. I heaved a sigh.

“We can’t go anywhere until I’m able to contact my superiors. That won’t be until later in the morning. The most I can do for you right now is give you a place to sleep,” I said in defeat.

He let out a sigh of relief.

“Thank you so much,” he breathed.

He took a step toward me but stopped when he saw my arched eyebrow challenging him to take another step forward.

“I’m assuming you have some necessities with you. I haven’t lived with a male in… a few years so I have none,” I said.

“Yeah, I have a bag in my car,” he replied.


“Bring your car into the garage. I’ll open the door for you.”

“Thank you.”

He went out the front door again and I made my way to the garage. I stepped out and hit the lift button. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my punching bag. It was mocking me. I walked over and gave it a few hits. It hurt without my hands taped, but it was a hurt that felt good.

God, what shit timing this was.

I turned when the roar of a car engine fell silent. My unwanted guest grabbed a duffel and a backpack from his front passenger seat. I waited for him to get out of his car, then silently led him back into the house and to the sitting room. With a swift motion, I flattened out my sofa.

“I’ll fetch some linens,” I informed him.

I mechanically went back to my bedroom and grabbed a couple blankets from my trunk. I grabbed an extra pillow off my bed and returned to see my guest pacing in front of the sofa. It had been a long time since I had been on an assignment that wasn’t completely diplomatic, and therefore a long time since I had seen someone who was breaking apart. Upset as I was that he had forced himself upon me, I couldn’t help feeling sorry for him.

Softly, I cleared my throat. He jumped slightly and turned to me.

“There is a half-bath just off the kitchen should you require it,” I explained as I arranged the linens and pillow on the sofa.

“Thank you,” he said softly.

“Anything else I can get you at the moment, Mr. Hutcherson?”


I arched my eyebrow.

“Call me Josh.”

My lips twitched and I nearly smiled.

“Devina,” I replied.

I turned on my sole and returned to my bedroom once more.

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