04 • Let the games begin • 04

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The crowd cheered as Sebastian made another touchdown.

 It was unbelievable to see how at ease Sebastian was on the field. It was strange to see him so comfortable and happy. I had grown so used to seeing him glare at me that I thought it was his normal. However, the football player in him seems to be a much happier person.

"You've got to give it to him; he's good." Taylor shrugged, turning away from the field and looking at me.

"How is it that all three of the Lakewood brothers are talented in football?" Joe asked as we watched the three of them smoothly work together and return the ball to the other side of the pitch.

"Their Dad was quite good at it in high school." I shrugged, remembering something my Mom had told me.

Joe turned to me with a confused look. "I thought your Dad was good at football in high school?"

"He was. He was the captain of the football team, just like Sebastian."

My Dad was the football team captain when he went to Long Shore High. He was naturally good at football, and from what he had told me, he was inherently good at everything in school.

"It sounds like Daisy has a type," Taylor said, giving me a sheepish grin.

"I still can't get over how you are your parents' daughter. You sure you're not adopted or something?" Joe asked.

A small smile came onto my face at the idea of being adopted. I wish. It would explain why I always felt I didn't fit in our family like my Mom wanted me to.

"Yeah, how can the former prom queen and football team captain have you for a daughter?" Taylor smiled.

"Who knows? If only I didn't look so much like my Mom, I would question whether I was adopted."

As the game began to wrap up, it became clear that we had easily won. Long Shore High always won. However, this was the first time I had witnessed it in person.

Gradually, everyone started to flee the bleachers, and the three of us followed suit, returning to the parking lot.

"You sure you don't want a ride?" Joe asked Taylor, who had already told us she didn't.

"No, don't worry about it. My Mom's picking me up on her way out of town. We're going to visit Jason."

Joe smirked. "Good luck with that. I can't see Jason quitting the drinking and the partying."

"We can only dream," I smirked.

It didn't take long for Taylor's Mom to come and pick her up. The three of us said goodbye, and Taylor happily skipped to her Mom's car.

"Let's get out of here," I told Joe, and we climbed into his car. I had already wasted too much time watching the stupid football game.

I turned on the radio, and Stevie Nicks came on whilst Joe tried to start the car — keyword -- tried.

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