11 • Rides • 11

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When Monday morning came, summer was beginning to feel like a century ago and I hadn't exactly started the week off very well.

I had slept through my alarm and quickly ran into my bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. However, I wasn't too happy with what I was greeted with.

When I opened the door, I found that Tommy was stood looking himself in the mirror. He had a pair of jeans on, no top and his hair were damp. I figured he had just gotten out of the shower. I realised he hadn't even bothered to lock the door when he was showering. Gross.

Tommy was smiling to himself whilst he hummed the lyrics to Drops of Jupiter that was playing on the radio that we had left on the bathroom shelf.

It was amazing how sharing a bathroom with somebody revealed so much to me.  Tommy seemed to be his happiest in the morning, it was when he had the most energy. He was never affected by hangovers or sleepless nights.  I had never seen him with bags under his eyes or depreciating energy. It was kind of impressive.

"You're a morning person, aren't you?" I asked as I grabbed my toothbrush, completely disregarding how it annoyed me he hadn't locked the bathroom door.  I began to brush my teeth whilst Tommy faffed about with his hair.

Tommy shrugged as he dried his hair off with a towel. "I'm an everything person. I like to think that I'm adaptable." He answered, placing the towel on the hook on the back of the bathroom door.

"Adaptable, huh?" I laughed.  "Did you get that from biology?"

Tommy looked at me with an amused smile. "Who knows? I don't pay attention in biology so maybe, maybe not." He replied, but then mulled the word over in his head. "What's adaptable in biology?"

"Cells? Evolution?" I suggested.

I didn't pay attention in biology either.


I checked the time on my phone. I only had ten minutes as my usual ride to school was no longer in service. I had planned on cycling to school from now on until Joe fixed his car or managed to find a way to get a new one. I didn't like drive. Every time I got behind the wheel I'd freeze, but I wouldn't ever admit that to anyone.

Conscious of the time, I quickly finished brushing my teeth and then looked around the bathroom for my face wash.

"What's the rush? We've got an hour."  Tommy said to me as he messed around with his hair leisurely. I resisted the urge to role my eyes at the display of vanity.

"No, you've got an hour." I stated, splashing some cold water of my face. "My ride to school died on Friday. And seeing as though I don't like to drive or have my licence, I'll have to ride to school on my bike." I explained and grabbed my blue towel to dry my face.

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