Rain cloud

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It looms above us
Like a light bulb
A district I've lightbulb
An idea not to be explored

Some days it just hangs there
Hoping you notice it
Other days it pours
Leaving you drenched
With the regret of not doing singing earlier

You try to protect yourself
But an umbrella is not enough
You need help,
You can't hold five all at once,
But you still try

You think of giving up
Letting it rain until you drown
But something holds you back
The thought of someone else
Stuck in the same way you are

If you work together
You can help each other
Two umbrellas is better than one right?

Not always

Another's might be too heavy for you
They are used to it
They need more people to help the lift it
You have to think of you as well
You can't help another's if it leaves you drowning

So ask as stranger
There are many people you can call
They protect you from the rain
Even if only for a while
They help till you can do it yourself
Or even just get a new umbrella

People want to help
All you have to do is reach out
And ask

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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