The voice inside my head

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I call it a he
Some days he is kind
Encouraging, like a grandparent
Other days he is critical
Like the tough football coach we all know
Other times, he plants ideas
Some creative, some destructive
You can never predict

We have arguments a lot
He always wins
He is part of me and something else
How am I meant to beat that

A lot of the time
He makes me cry
But occasionally I can smile

I ask a doctor
He says it's normal
I ask about her
He wants to commit me
How am I supposed to win if I don't even know what I'm fighting

It's a war
But the battles lost
How can I win
He isn't even real
But he controls everything

I go everywhere to rid him from me
It all fails
I do everything I can to please him
With just a shred of hope that he will stop
He hasn't yet

I finally realise
I don't need to please him
I just need to please me
I need to accept me
And with that comes him

If the war ends
And peace is found
Maybe I can live
With the voice inside my head

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