Chapter Seven part two

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Recap: Not going to talk on this one.

Back to present

Nagato: Good, your wet and ready. Ready Mutsu-nee?

Mutsu: Yes Nagato-nee.

Shiranui: PUT ME DOWN!!!!!!

Shiranui's Lemon

They lift her up and insert your rifle into her baby hanger hole.

Shiranui: AAAAAAAAH!!! (still not talking).

Nagato: **creepily giggles** There there, you love him, so let us help you show that.

Eichi Akio: You monsters.

Mutsu: In that case, lets get start. **creepily giggles**

They lift her up and make her lean back before inserting the rest of your rifle inside her baby making hanger.

Mutsu: Relax, you will feel better doing so. **creepily giggles**

Shiranui: MAKE IT STOP!!!

Mutsu and Nagato: Up and down. **lifting Shiranui up and down again on your rifle**

Eichi Akio: **groans loudly**

Nagato: See there isn't a need to say no Shiranui. Just relax and let the feeling kick in.

Your Thoughts

These monsters, they agreed to let her go safely, not force her to do it with me. Her baby hanger hole is squeezing even tighter than Nagato's and Mutsu's. How can I make it stop?

End of Your Thoughts

Nagato: How does it feel Shiranui?

Shiranui: I HATE IT!!!

Her hips are moving on their own and your face is showing an expression of pleasure but also resistance. Her baby hanger is squeezing tighter and tighter every minute.

Mutsu: Hmm, well that's not what your body is saying nor is Eichi-chan's expression.

Nagato: **creepily giggles** You're doing great Shiranui.

They continue to lift her up and down and play with the bumps on her chest.

Shiranui: PLEASE STOP IT!!!

Mutsu: If you continue to yell, then we will have to punish you. And you wouldn't want that to happen would you?

Nagato and Mutsu: **creepily giggles** Are you ready for the first bullet?

Shiranui: NO PLEASE!!!

Eichi Akio: I'm trying me best to hold it in.

Mutsu: There's no need to hold back Eichi dear. Her body speaks the truth. It always will.

Mutsu and Nagato: One, two, three. **lifting Shiranui up until the tip is left inside and slam her down**

They do it, but you refuse to fire. So they do it again.

Shiranui: Please, he'll plant his seed inside of me if this continues.

Nagato: There there, just relax. You like him after all.

Mutsu and Nagato: One, two, three. **lifts Shiranui up until the tip is left inside and slam her down with full force and also nibble on her ears**

They do this and the pressure is to much for you and her, so both of you fire your shots.

Eichi Akio: I'm sorry Shiranui! **groaning very loudly**

Yandere Nagato and Mutsu x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now