New Human

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No One's POV

(Y/N) was currently in an abandoned house as he threw a bag over his shoulder. He had a brown shirt, black pants, brown boots, a belt around his waist, a cloak on his back, as he had (H/C), (E/C), (S/C), while dirt was on his clothes and a bit on his face. He turned around to see a little girl and little boy sleeping next to each other on some ragged blankets while their clothes were also dirty and they both resembled (Y/N). He smiled as he saw them sleep as he walked out of the house and into a dirty alleyway.

He faced the wall to his left to run up it, and when he got seven feet up he jumped off to the other wall to grab the edge of an emergency staircase that reached the roof. He got over the railing to start heading to the roof. When he made it he saw his city that had a gray sky, crime could be heard from every direction, and smoke went up into the sky. He frowned upon this site to start sprinting on the roof and jumped as he reached the ledge to easily land on top of the building in front of him. He continued to get from rooftop to rooftop as he headed for the edge of the city.

He was going to go to a nearby town to steal some food as if he was caught again in this town he would be executed. He quickly made it out of town and ran into a large forest that people would occasionally go through to trade with other towns. He stayed up in the trees in case someone was walking on the trail and jumped from tree branch to tree branch. As he was jumping a wagon came by making him land on a branch and stay still. As he watched it drive by he didn't know that he was being watched as fox eyes watched from afar in bushes, 'Hello there, your new. Why are you here? Is he a poacher, if so what is he hunting? Maybe a thief, but what does he want to steal out here?' The wagon passed as (Y/N) continued forward as the eyes followed him until he was out of sight.

A Few Hours Later

(Y/N) was returning from the city as his bag was full of bread and cheese as he once again stayed in the trees. As he was jumping he saw something in the corner of his eye. He landed to look back and see a wolf trapped in a net trap. He jumped down to walk towards the wolf as it rolled around and gnawed at the rope to try and get out. He noticed (Y/N) to start growling as (Y/N) put his hands up as he slowly walked forward, "Hey buddy I'm not gonna hurt ya." The wolf kept growling as it looked at the dagger on (Y/N)'s belt. He noticed this to take his dagger out making the animal growl even louder until he threw the dagger away as he put his hands back up.

The wolf stopped growling as it perked it's ears up while it tilted it's head. (Y/N) slowly walked up to it until he got close enough to it and kneeled down. He then pulled out a secret knife from his back pocket making the wolf lower it's ears and start growling again, "Sorry , but I had to lie to you." He then cut the rope to where the wolf could get out as it stared at (Y/N) to lower it's head. (Y/N) petted the wolf's head, "Yeah your a good boy. Everyone likes some lovin." The wolf then ran further into the forest as (Y/N) watched it go until he looked at the rope and picked it up, "Who would do this?


Ahri was standing above a dead deer as it was killed by a gunshot wound. The gunshot came from the poacher behind her who she killed quickly after seeing what he did. She looked around, "There may be more out there." She quickly checked the area by bouncing quickly from tree to tree to notice the young man from before standing with a knife, a rope in his hand, and wolf fur on his hand.

She landed on the ground in front of him catching his attention as Ahri's eyes were set like she was watching her prey. Seeing this (Y/N) and fear taking over hevwent for his dagger to have Ahri throw an orb at him and when it hit him it sent him flying. He hit a tree knocking him out as he slid down to be sitting on the ground and leaning on the tree unconscious. Ahri walked up to him to notice him still breathing as she got on her knees.

She put her hand on his chest as she scowled, "You damn poachers. Killing innocent animals and sell there fur, organs, and feet for money. I'll make sure that you won't hurt another creature." She started to take his life essence as she started to see one of his latest memories. When she usually saw these memories she saw her victim beating someone, stealing something, or killing someone.

And as predicted she saw (Y/N) stealing from a store as he got away using the rooftops. After a minute he was in a house to have two children come from the shadows as they were happy to see him. He opened his bag to give the children what little food he snagged as he didn't have any so that the kids could have enough. She was then interrupted by something coming towards her, 'Must be his friend.' She stopped to swing her arm at what was coming at her to not see a human but a wolf duck under her arm and bite her.

She quickly backed up to look at her arm, "No animal has ever attacked me." She looked at the wolf as it growled at her as it protected (Y/N). She healed her arm to look at the wolf, "Why are you protecting this man. He wants to hurt you." She then smiled to try and pet the wolf to have it snap at her. She tried to make sense of this to look around until she saw the net cut up and the knife until she looked back at the wolf, "Did this man... help you?" The wolf sopped growling signaling that he did. Noticing this Ahri's ears went down, "Oh no. I messed up."

She then checked (Y/N) 's body to find out that he was alright except for a few bruises. She gave out a sigh of relief to stand up and start to walk away until the wolf barked. She looked back at the wolf, "He'll be fine. He will wake up in a few hours and go home." The wolf barked again as Ahri put her fists on her hips, "Those kids will be fine. They probably have enough food." The wolf pulled of (Y/N)'s backpack and unzipped it to show a bunch of food as it barked again while Ahri looked at the food, "He probably got this much food because he wanted more. You know how humans are with always wanting more." The wolf tilted it's head making Ahri cross her arms, "Why would I help humans anyways?" The wolf whined a little making Ahri look at (Y/N), "God damn it."

Back at the abandoned house the two children were both worried as the girl's stomach growled. With this they heard a female voice above them, "Is someone hungry?" They looked up to see Ahri on a beam as she had (Y/N)'s bag on her back while using her tails to carry him. She jumped down to land in front of them, "Hello little ones." She then set the bag in front of them along with (Y/N)'s unconscious body. The boy looked at Ahri as he pointed at her, "What did you do to big bro?" Ahri looked at the two, "Oh, he uh fell from a tree. So I brought him home." "How did you know he lived here?" "I have magical powers." The little girl's eyes sparkled, "Really? What kind?" "I can't tell. It's a secret." Ahri stood up, "I must go. Goodbye little ones." Before they could say anything she left leaving them alone as they ate a bit.

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