A Day In The Village

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No One's POV

It has been three months since (Y/N) and Ahri reached a peak of their relationship. Ahri was petting her tail as she sat on the couch. (Y/N) was doing what  he did everyday, which was  to take wood to the village and trade it for meat. As she was sitting there she heard Kano and Maria jump onto the back of the couch as they wined, "Big sis, we're bored!" Ahri's ears perked up as she looked to her right to look at the two, "What did you two just say?" "We're bored." "No before that." Big sis." "Why did you call me that?" The two looked at each other to then looked at Ahri confused, "Your with (Y/N) right?" "Correct." "Then doesn't that make you our sister-in-law?" Ahri's face grew pink as she shook her head, "No it doesn't work that way. (Y/N) and I have to be married for me to be your sister-in-law." "Well then why aren't you married?" "W-well because, uh, hey who wants to go pet some deer!" The two children cheered, "Yay!"

A few minutes later Ahri, Maria, and Kano were in a bush as a female deer was laying on the ground in front of them. With her was her three children as they stayed near their mother. Ahri got up as she signaled the other two to follow. The deer raised their heads as the three slowly made their way to them. The mother deer looked on edge until Ahri got close enough to pet her, "There there. We aren't going to hurt you." After a few seconds Maria and Kano started to pet the little deer. A few minutes later Ahri sat next to the mother deer as the young deer played with Kano and Maria. Ahri enjoyed the sight but couldn't shake off the question that Kano and Maria asked her earlier.

In the village (Y/N) gave one of the village's leaders the stack of wood for them to give him a bag of imported meat that should last for a week. He threw it over his shoulder to thank them and walk away. He didn't head out though, instead he made his way to a jeweler. He walked up to the woman at a table for her to point at him, "Ah it's you. Your order is ready." (Y/N) waited for a bit to have the woman fumble around her store until she came ack to reveal something in her palm, "Is this what you wanted?" (Y/N) took the ring to examine it. The main piece was an orange jewel that was shaped to look like a fox's head, and the actual ring part was like a fox's tail. He pulled out a few coins from his pouch, "Here you go. Thank you." He walked out to have the jeweler wave, "Your welcome! Have a good one!" Afterwards he went to a little shop and bought a doll, as Ahri said before that she has always wanted a real doll. 

As he was walking back he saw little girl crying as a man and woman tried to make her happy, but sadly failed. This gained (Y/N)'s attention as he walked up to the three, "Is something wrong here?" The man turned to him, "Our daughter lost her doll, and we can't find it." The little girl was crying as the mother tried to comfort her. (Y/N) looked at the little girl to sigh as he pulled out the doll that he bought, "She can have this." The father took the doll, "Are you sure?" (Y/N) nodded for the man to bow, "Thank you." He then walked up to his daughter and show her the doll. The girl stopped crying to hold the doll as a smile found itself back on her face. 

(Y/N) continued onward to be stopped as a few people were attempting to build a house. As he was about to walk by a man caught his attention, "Hey you look like a strong man. Do you mind helping us out here? A few of our guys ae sick today." (Y/N) looked up at the sky to see the sun going down, 'I've got time.' "Sure."  A few hours went by for the house to be finished for the man from before to pay him a few coins. (Y/N) took the payment as he left and went into the forest as the sun was setting. On his way a familiar wolf walked up to him from behind a tree. (Y/N) got on one knee to pet the wolf, "Hey boy, haven't seen you in a while. What have you been up to?" The wolf looked behind him as a female wolf walked next to him as two pups followed suite. (Y/N) petted all of the wolves in the wolf family to hear one of the small one's stomach's growl. The wolf looked at the bag of meat for (Y/N) to sigh once more as he dumped half of the meat on the ground. (Y/N) petted the male wolf, "Enjoy." The wolf licked as a sign of thanks as he started to eat the meat with his family.

It was dark out and Ahri was sitting on the couch worried as the children were asleep in their rooms. (Y/N) hasn't come back yet which had Ahri constantly thinking about what could of happened to him. The door then opened for (Y/N) to come through and close the door. He was then met by Ahri hugging him tightly as she looked up at him with teary eyes, "Where have you been?" "I helped a few people build a house." Ahri then saw the bag of meat, "It seems that there is less meat than usual." "Our wolf friend started a family and they needed dinner for the night." "Oh, well I don't mind having fish every other day. Did you get me that doll?" (Y/N) rubbed the back of his neck, "I did, but I gave it away. A little girl lost hers and I didn't want to see her cry. I am really sorry."

Ahri lightly tapped his face as she rubbed his cheek, "Hey, I would rather have no doll, than a little girl sad somewhere." (Y/N) smiled as he pecked her lips. When they separated Ahri pulled a small box from (Y/N)'s pocket to hold it up, "But what is this?" (Y/N) tried to grab it, "Don't open that!" Ahri lightly put her foot on (Y/N)'s chest to lightly jump off landing a few feet away as she turned her back to him and opened the box. What was inside made her playful smile turn into a one of shock as it was a ring. She turned around to see (Y/N) on one knee, "The scenery was suppose to be better, but I guess this will have to do." He took a deep breathe to say five words, "Ahri, will you marry me?" Ahri didn't say anything as tears started come from her eyes as she put her right hand over her mouth. She then nodded as she smiled, "Yes. A hundred times yes!" (Y/N) stood up for Ahri to hug him with all of her strength. They separated for (Y/N) to put the ring on her finger. (Y/N) wiped away a few of her tears, "Why are you crying?" Ahri leaned her cheek into the palm of his hand as she put her hand over his, "They're tears of joy."

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