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No One's POV

Kano and Maria woke up in their beds to rub their eyes as they yawned. They stretched their arms to feel refreshed to then get out of bed and walk down the hallway and into the kitchen. They didn't see anyone in there as well as no food making them a little upset as their stomachs grumbled. They walked to (Y/N)'s room to see him asleep in his bed with Ahri next to him. They were both on their backs snoring a little for Kano to jump onto (Y/N) and Maria jumping onto Ahri as they said, "Wake up!" 

Ahri and (Y/N) woke up with their eyes wide eyed as their bodies went up a little to go back down onto the bed as their stomachs hurt. They looked down at the kids to see them looking upset, "We're hungry." (Y/N) sighed, "Fine I'll make breakfast." He sat up for the kids to run off as Ahri looked at him to jump on his back, "I want to sleep even more~." "You can sleep a little bit more." "But I want to sleep with you~." "I have to make breakfast. If I don't get up then none of us eat." Ahri's stomach then growled making Ahri blush a little, "Alright fine. How long will it take to make breakfast?" "About thirty minutes." "I'll go into town and get some blueberries then." "Couldn't you just get some from the forest?" "I could but they are hard to find and they wash them in town." "Well alright then. Just be careful." "I will. She then jumped out of the bedroom window to head to town as (Y/N) stood up from the bed.

Ahri made it into town after ten minutes to walk around the streets as there were people selling food or materials. There would be a blacksmith, houses, and inns every now and then. The people would wave and say hello to Ahri and even some children would hug her, which was a nice change from the previous years. There hasn't been any poachers or hunters for two months, which was coincidentally the time her and (Y/N) started dating. She went to a fruit stand that she has come to like to buy some blueberries and even a few strawberries. She left the town to go through the forest and return back to the cabin. 

When she walked through the door she was met by a wave of a new smell that delighted her as it smelled delicious. She walked in to see Kano and Maria at the table as they were eating something that she has never seen before. She sat down to put the berries in the middle of the table to get a plate of fluffy bread it seemed. She took a bite to wag her tail, "Mmmm! What is this?" "Well it was suppose to be a cake but I had to make it in a pan. So they're called pancakes." "These pancakes are delicious!" The kids thought so too for (Y/N) to smile knowing that he made a good meal again.

Seven hours later Ahri was sitting hear a lake as the two little ones started going to school in the town as it seemed required if they wanted a future. She currently had a brush as she was trying to brush her nine tails to be unsuccessful as she couldn't reach them all the way. As she was struggling (Y/N) walked up behind her, "Hey Ahri. What are you doing?" Ahri turned all of her tails into one as she looked behind her at him, "I'm trying to brush my fur, but it is being quiet difficult." "I could do it for you." 

Ahri's cheeks turned red as her fur stood up a little, "Wh-what?" "I could do it for you. I Kano and Maria's hair all the time." Ahri held her tail as she went through her fur a little, "Well that's not the same thing." "How?" "Well my tail is more sensitive and my kind don't show our tails to people, unless if we're fighting them. It's a rule." "Oh. Well I'll just go clean or something. And leave you be." He turned around to hear a puff sound which made him look behind him to see Ahri with her tails out as she hid her face behind one of them as her cheeks were still red, "But you can be an exception." 

(Y/N) was now sitting down behind Ahri as he held a brush as Ahri kept her hands in her lap for (Y/N) to hold one of her tails, "I am going to start brushing." Ahri nodded for (Y/N) to start brushing making Ahri blush a little more. (Y/N) started to rub his fingers through the fur to get any loose fur out. He then did that near the part of her tail closest to her back which made Ahri go, "Hyyaaa!" Her face was red as she looked down while (Y/N) stayed still until he heard Ahri, "Keep going." (Y/N) did for Ahri to keep her composure and keep in anymore moans as (Y/N) continued with her tails to brush for half an hour. He was finally finished for fur fur to be silky smooth, "And I'm done." Ahri turned around as her cheeks were still red to kiss (Y/N) deeply.

Before he could react she separated from him to push him down onto his back. She looked down at him with half lidded eyes, "A fox's tail is very sensitive. Only the ones we love can look and touch them." (Y/N) looked up at her as he wrapped his arms round her waist. She came down again for the two to meet in a kiss. They parted their lips for their tongues to battle each other's until (Y/N) managed to win, with this he explored Ahri's mouth making her moan a little. When the two separated for Ahri to wrap her tails around (Y/N) as she rested her head in the crook of his neck, "I love you (Y/N)." (Y/N) petted her back, "I love you two Ahri."

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