Taming The Fox

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No One's POV

Ahri was sitting on the ground as she stared at her reflection in the river in front of her that flowed through the woods. She swayed her tail back and fourth as she was bored and didn't know what to do. She looked to her right as that was the direction to the cabin as (Y/N), Maria, and Kano have been living there for nearly three months now. She saw the wolf that was fond of (Y/N) walk up to her as it laid down next to her. Ahri petted the wolf, "Should I go see him?" The wolf looked up at her, "Only because it gets lonely out here." The animal tilted it's head, "I haven't actually got to have a conversation like that with somebody in forever." Ahri stood up as the wolf started to walk away, "I think that I am going go visit them today."

Ahri quickly made her way on the ground avoiding any trees or animals that got in her way. When she was close her ears twitched to have her stop behind a tree she saw (Y/N) chopping firewood to have a man with a gun walk up to him, "Excuse me sir, have you seen a woman with fox ears and nine fox tails?" (Y/N) stopped chopping to turn around, "Yeah I have." Ahri's ears flattened on her head as her mouth was open as her face was struck with betrayal. (Y/N) then turned around to pick up the wood, "It's called a fairy tale. I've lived her for years and there is no such thing as fox woman or whatever you said." The man scratched his head, "I thought this was the right woods. I must of got turned around." "If you don't mind me asking, why are you trying to find the fox girl?" "There's a bounty on her head and I need the money. My family needs food and fire before winter comes. I don't have enough money for both." (Y/N) looked at the man to then sigh as he put the wood in a basket he made to hand it the man, "Here. This should last you a while." The man refused to take it, "No I couldn't." "Just take it." The man took the basket to put it over the shoulders and on his back, "Thank you young man. I won't forget this." "No problem. Just don't come back here. The animals can be very dangerous to new comers. Just stay out of sight and don't agitate them, so lose the gun." The man dropped his gun as he tipped his hat, "Dually noted. Have a nice day." "You too sir."  

The man left and after a few minutes (Y/N) chopped some more wood to have Ahri appear behind him, "Hello (Y/N)." (Y/N) jumped a little bit to look behind him, "Don't scare me like that." "Oh, I'm sorry." "It's fine. Do you need something?" "I just want to talk." "Really? Ok then." (Y/N) grabbed the wood to start walking as Ahri followed, "How is the cabin?" "It's fine. Pretty nice to have silence instead of screaming, theft, and explosions." "That sounds awful." "You get used to it."

Ahri then thought of something, "Why did you not tell the man that I wasn't here." "You were watching me?" Ahri blushed a little bit from embarrassment, "I was on my way and I hid when I saw that stranger." (Y/N) looked at her until he shrugged, "I didn't tell him because were friends." "Friends?" "Yeah, you do know what those are right?" "Yes I do, but I have never had one." "Well you do now." Ahri smiled a little as she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. 

They soon arrived at the cabin to have Maria open the door, "Yeah! Big bro is back and he brought home Ahri." Ahri smiled as she crouched down, "Hello Maria. It is good to see you today." "You too." The two walked in as Kano ran up to them, "Yay! Ahri came to visit!" Ahri patted his head, "It's good to see you too Kano." (Y/N) went the kitchen, "I'm gonna cook. You two entertain our guest." The two children saluted, "Yes sir!" Ahri followed the two into the living room as Maria grabbed a rabbit doll and Kano grabbed a turtle doll. Maria handed Ahri a fox doll, "You can be Mrs. Fox." Ahri smiled while taking the doll, "I will play the part well." 

Ahri played with the two for half an hour to then have (Y/N) say that dinner was ready. The kids went to the table with Ahri following them to see grilled fish with berries on the side. (Y/N) took a seat, "I am sorry for killing some fish. But the kids need protein." Ahri took a seat, "No it's fine. I eat fish all the time." (Y/N) sat down to have Ahri take a bite of the fish. Her eyes watered from joy as her taste buds danced and her ears perked up. She has eaten grilled fish, but not with some herbs and spices found around the woods.

(Y/N) took another bite of his food, "Is it good?" The two children nodded as Ahri slammed her fists on the table, "Yes!" The three looked at her to have her sit up straight again, "Ahem. It is good." Maria giggled, "Your weird." The three finished eating to have Ahri get ready to leave, "Thank you all for having me." (Y/N) waved it off, "It's no problem. Come whenever you like." Ahri opened the door for rain to start pouring which stopped her, "Can I stay the night?" "You don't like getting wet?" "Who doesn't?" (Y/N) shrugged, "Eh. Fair point." It got dark as the kids went to bed while (Y/N) put a pillow and blanket on the couch." Ahri laid down as she thanked him. 

(Y/N) to bed while the rain was the only noise as a few minutes later he heard thunder. Another thunderbolt came down which woke him a little to see Ahri in his doorway. (Y/N) gave her a deadpan look, "What do you want?" Ahri shuffled her legs a bit, "I- I don't like thunder." Another wave of thunder came down and in a second Ahri was under his covers next to him. He laid back down as he had her back to her, "You can sleep in here." Ahri went out of the covers to have her back towards him as he heard her whisper a little, "Thank you."

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