Taming The Human

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No One's POV

Ahri woke up to sit up and stretch her arms as she was on the couch in (Y/N)'s cabin. For a month she has slept in the (Y/N)'s cabin as it was comfy and sleeping in tree branched really wasn't comfortable. She perked her ears up as she turned her head to see (Y/N) put on his shoes, "Where are you going (Y/N)?" "I'm heading to town to get some meat. Fish is good and all but it gets boring for a while." "So you would spend hours walking to get meat rather than just kill an animal that would take a few minutes." "Well, yeah." A blush appeared on Ahri's cheeks as she looked away from him, "O-ok. But just be careful because I won't go into town to help you." "Why won't you go into town?" "Because I hate humans." It was silent for a few seconds until Ahri turned around to wave her hands in front of her, "B-but you are fine! And Kano and Maria are really cute!" (Y/N) looked at her with an eyebrow raised as he opened the door, "Uh huh. I'll see you later."

(Y/N) left as Ahri put her face in the arm of the chair as she groaned, "He's gonna be gone for hours. Maybe I can do something with the children." Maria and Kano then walked out as Maria sneezed. Ahri looked at her a little worried, "Are you ok Maria? Are you sick?" Maria sneezed again, "No, it's just that this place is dusty and getting dirty." Ahri's ears perked up as she stood up, "That will keep me busy." 

A few hours later Ahri wiped her forehead as the cabin was cleaned with two kids playing in it as they were playing chess. They weren't that great, but (Y/N) taught them and they wanted to get better. Ahri walked outside to see the wolf that comes to visit every now and again. Ahri looked down at him, "What are you talking about?" The wolf sat down as Ahri continued talking to the wolf, "I don't know what your talking about." The wolf tilted it's head, "I haven't changed. I still watch over the forest." the wolf continued to stare at her, "What do you mean that's not what you meant?" The wolf stood up as it barked. Ahri's cheeks went red, "N-no I don't!" The wolf barked again, "Well, because he's human and I'm not. He probably doesn't feel the same anyway." The wolf wagged his tail as it barked again, "I did not just confess!"

Ahri then jumped as she heard (Y/N) behind her, "Confess about what?" Ahri calmed herself, "Nothing! Confess about nothing! Anyways welcome home." "Thanks." The two walked inside for (Y/N) to go to the kitchen. Ahri followed him as she waited for him to say something. He remained quiet as Ahri crossed her arms and puffed her cheeks out, 'Does he not notice?!' (Y/N) then started to put the food away, "Ohh, thanks for cleaning today." Ahri's face lit up, "Your welcome." An hour went by as (Y/N) started to make dinner, but stopped when he saw Ahri walk out of the cabin with her eyes like a fox's as her ears were up.

(Y/N) followed her into the forest as he told Maria and Kano to stay safe. Ahri ran through the trees as she was tracking something. She stopped in a tree to see three men surrounding a deer. She dropped down on one of the men taking him out of the battle that was about to go down. One of his friends jumped as they saw Ahri, "Holy shit! What the hell are you?!" Ahri didn't answer as she stared daggers at him while a blue ball of energy appeared in her hands. She threw it at the man in front of her sending him into a tree. The last man charged her for her to jump into the air and jump off of his head as he staggered forward. Ahri landed on her right foot to pounce forward and kick the last man on the back sending him to the ground on his stomach as Ahri flipped in the air and landed on the man's back making him pass out. Ahri let out a breath to hear the first man get up as he pointed the gun at her. When he shot he missed as (Y/N) grabbed his gun and move it to the side. He then punched him in the jaw knocking him out.

Ahri eased up as (Y/N) looked at her as he seemed out of breathe, "You are hard to keep up with." Ahri smiled, "Thank you for your help. We must go home now." (Y/N) looked around, "What about these guys?" "They will leave when they wake up. And if they don't then I will hurt them even more. After that they all usually leave." "You looked and sound scary when you said that." "Good." Ahri and (Y/N) then left as they went towards the cabin to arrive very shortly. Before they walked in Ahri looked at (Y/N)'s arm, "Your arm is hurt." (Y/N) opened the door, "I'm fine. The bullet just grazed me." When he walked in Ahri appeared in front of him, "I will take care of it for you." "It's nothi-" "Go lay down on the couch." 

The next thing he knew (Y/N) was that Ahri was sitting on the couch as (Y/N) was laying on the couch while his head was laying on Ahri's lap. Ahri put her hand above (Y/N)'s arm to have a green aura appear on the palm of her hand. She went down his arm to have his wound instantly heal, "My arm feels incredibly better." "That is my magic. I don't use this on people often." "So your saying that I'm special." "Yes. I- I mean no! It's just thanks for helping me earlier." (Y/N) smirked as he laughed a little, "I'm just messing with you." Ahri silenced him by rubbing her fingers through his hair making him feel warm and comfortable. His eyes felt heavy as he started to sleep. Ahri kept rubbing her fingers through his hair as she saw him fall asleep. Maria Set next to her on her left as she gave her puppy eyes. Ahri smiled as she started to rub her finger through Maria's hair as Kano appeared on her right as he did the same thing as Maria. Ahri wrapped her tail around Kano surrounding him with fluff and warmth making him fall asleep. The three humans were now asleep as Ahri smiled as she started to close her eyes as she heard the three men from before leave the forest meaning that they were all safe now. Ahri closed her eyes as she looked at (Y/N) while smiling until she went to sleep. The four were now sleeping together.

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