For Someone Special

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No One's POV

Ahri was laying on her back on a tree branch as her tail swung back and fourth. She was extremely bored as (Y/N), Kano, and Maria were out today. (Y/N) has been going to the nearby town for two months and Ahri seemed to be agitated as when she went to see (Y/N) he wouldn't be there. She also realized that he would take firewood, vegetables, and fruit. Maria and Kano would sometimes be at the cabin as (Y/N) asked her to watch them. She swung her hand back and fourth, "What could possibly be important in that town?" She stayed that way for a second to stop as her eyes opened a little, "Or who could be important to him in that town!?' She then thought of a scenario in her head where (Y/N) one day met a random girl at the market, and every time he went into town him and the girl would talk. She sat up to let her leg dangle, 'Who cares if that is true. Let him find someone.'

Thirty minutes later Ahri was wearing a long coat with a hood as she was in a crowded street as she looked for (Y/N). She kept her head down as she looked around to see people walking around as others were buying goods from markets. She looked around, 'It isn't as bad as (Y/N)'s old town.' As she was walking she saw something that caught her eye. She saw guns in trash cans making her confused. She gained courage to walk up to a woman and tug on her arm, "Well you look new. Do you need something?" "I was wondering why all of the guns are in the bins?" "Oh, well we don't need them anymore." "Why?" "Because the fox lady in the woods is known to not be dangerous." "What? How do you know that?" "Well one day a man came back with firewood for his family and sold whatever was left to buy food. He told people about a man who lived in a cabin the woods with two kids. But he also apparently knew about the fox lady and she never hurt him. A few of us didn't believe him, so we went into the woods to meet him on his way to town. With that he told us stories and showed us some of the beautiful wildlife that was completely harmless. With the superstition we didn't feel on edge and we don't need to hunt as we can now take veggies and fruit from the edge of the woods. We also go to other towns and trade meat with the veggies we pluck. We now have plenty of fire wood." "You cut down trees." "Only the dead ones, or ones that are nearly dead." "Well I have heard that a few men still hunt the fox lady." The lady then crossed her arms as she looked annoyed, "A few poachers still come to hunt for her. We don't give them a place to sleep, eat, or drink. And if they come back hurt, we don't help them. They were warned." 

Ahri stayed silent for a while as she stared at the guns for the woman to start to walk away, "I hope I answered your question fox lady." Ahri's ears perked up as she looked at the woman, "Your tail is out." The woman blended in with the crowd as Ahri looked around for no one to really take notice of her and look at her differently. She took off her hood for the same result except for a man and woman to nod at her, "Good day." Ahri greeted back to walk nervously around for one shopkeeper to greet her, "Hello miss. Do you want an apple or some grapes?" "No thank you. I am fine." Ahri walked around a bit more for people to just smile at her, which was unknown to Ahri as groups of people were usually trying to hurt or kill her. With this being weird and not being able to find (Y/N) within an hour Ahri left as she went back into the woods to sit in front of a lake as she seemed to have something on her mind. 

Ahri was still thinking as the sun started to set for her to hear (Y/N) behind her, "Hey Ahri. Are you not going to eat?" "I'm not hungry." "Are you going to sleep on the couch again?" "No I'll sleep in a tree." "Are you alright Ahri?" Ahri stayed silent for a while, "Why are you going to town a lot more often now?" "Because I teach a few people how to plant and cook."  Ahri then asked something that she was afraid to ask, "Is there someone special to you there? As in someone you want to be in a relationship with?" "No. There is not." Ahri's heart then then seemed to tighten as she became a little hopeful, "Then why would you do everything that you did?" "And what is that exactly?" "You convinced an entire town to not see me as a threat, with that the woods have been healthier, and the animals are happier. Why would you go through all of that trouble?" "Because it makes someone special to me happy. Your welcome to come to the cabin whenever you want." (Y/N) then walked away as Ahri's ears were perked up as her face was red. 

2 Hours Later

Ahri was in the cabin as she was outside (Y/N)'s door. She then opened the door slowly to slowly walk towards him and lay down in his bed next to him. (Y/N) turned around in a daze for Ahri to bury her face in his chest as her hands clung onto his shirt, "Ahri what are you doing?" "I just want to say thank you." "For what?" "For my entire life I have been alone and in the quiet with nobody to talk to. But then you came along. Now everyday I have someone to look forward to seeing. I have somebody to talk with and laugh. I even get to play with Maria and Kano along with a town that isn't afraid to see me. All of it is because of you, and for that I can only give one thing." Ahri's face then become red as she tightened her grip, "My love and I hope that you will return it." (Y/N) simply responded with wrapping his arm around Ahri as he pulled her close and went to sleep. Ahri took that as a yes as she hugged him and fell asleep with him.

Poor Male Reader x AhriWhere stories live. Discover now