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Brightness. Warmth. Things I would feel when I was around you. You made me happy. I fell for you. And I fell for your tricks.

Who would've thought that dating you would cause me so much pain. Not only physically, but also mentally.

The day I met you I thought you'd be my happy place. I still think you are.

Love is pain, isn't it?

Maybe if I stick around a little longer you will change.

You will change for me, won't you?

I mean they always achieve it in movies:
Bad boy falls in love with good girl and she's able to change him.

So I can do it too right?

Baekhyun, tell me where you are tonight?

Are you at the club again?

I forgave you last time for sleeping with someone else.

You promised you wouldn't do it again.

So tell me where you are tonight?

I looked out of the window.

It was dark outside.

If it wouldn't be for the moon and stars, you won't be able to see anything.

The light in the darkness.

As soon as the sky changes it's color into a bright one, the stars and moon are gone.

The darkness doesn't need the light of the stars anymore. Why? Because it gained its own bright color.

But it will need those stars back when the sky changes into a dark color again.

Am I that to you as well?

You go out when you don't need me.

But as soon as all the liquids show its effects and darkness has arrived, you do.

You need me to take care of you.

You need me to brighten up the darkness in you.

You might haven't noticed yet.

If you could, you'd throw all the stars away before they could even shine.

But just like the stars, I'll still stick around.

I'm still waiting for you to accept the stars.

To accept the light.

Just like the dark sky accepts the bright light.

discomfort - bbhWhere stories live. Discover now