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I walk into the house to find my brother sitting on the couch.

Shit. I left his car back at the bakery / coffee shop. What do I do? What do I do?

I try to sneak past him and find dad to ask for help but he spots me.

"You took your time. Now hand over my keys." He says

"Umm you see, the thing is,-"

"You left my car at the bakery?" He asks

"How did you know?" I ask

"I saw the picture. Figured you might leave the car behind. Good thing I had a duplicate key. I asked dad to drop me off there and I brought it back."

"Has dad seen it?" I ask. Dad really isn't a fan of teen love but he lets us make our own choices. He has been super overprotective after the Jack issue. Good thing he didn't know about Levi or it would be bye bye Ossy.

"I doubt but he's gonna find out sooner or later. I told him you went with Danie to her place and asked me to pick up the car" he explains.

"Thanks Rosalio"

"Yeah. Whatever. I need your help." He says.

"What do you need my help with?" I ask

"I want to ask a girl out but I don't know how" he says nervously.

"You take girls out all the time. How do you ask them?"

"It's different this time. Those girls usually come to me and it mostly ends up on my bed with them moaning my name."

Okay. I did not need to know that.

"I think I might like this girl." He says looking even more nervous than before.

"Really? Who is it?" I pry

"I'm not telling. Will you help me or not?"

"Fine. The best thing to do is to ask her in person. Knowing your reputation you'd have to show her that it's real. That you want her and not just to get into her panties." I say.

"Do I need to get some people to sing? Fancy flashy cards? He asks

"A simple gesture with a bouquet of flowers would do just fine. You're not asking her to marry you"

"Thanks Rosy" he says.

"Tell me how it goes. Oh and the mid term exams are coming up so you should probably do it after."


My stomach grumbles and I move to the kitchen to find something to eat. I warm what is left of dinner and eat that. Once I'm done I join Rosalio in the living room.

"Mind telling me exactly what happened?" He asks so I brief him on everything. Minus the part where we actually kissed. I can't tell him that.

"That prank is insane. Why didn't I think of that?"

And that's all he got from my story. I shake my head and head up to my room.

After taking a quick shower I put on my nightie and lay in bed going through my chats when I get a message from

Ossy❤: Goodnight angel❤

Me: Why so early? It's only 8:30.

Ossy❤: Yeah but I'm exhausted.

Me: Okay. Goodnight💗.

I check to see Bennie still online and decide to call her although she might be packing.

"You better tell me everything that happened. Now" she says as soon as she picks up.

"Hello to you too." I say instead.

"Yeah yeah hello. Now spill. I'm dying to know."

Me being the good friend I am settle on keeping her in suspense for a while.

"Okay so I refurbished my closet and this time I changed the colour from lavender and white to white and lavender. It looks and sounds better now." I say, giggling to myself.

"This is not the time for your weirdness Rosy. I'm talking about the picture. It's everywhere."

"I've seen it too. Those Ghanaian undertakers have gone viral."

"I'm not talking about that. I mean you and Oswald. It looked like you two were gonna kiss!" She says excitedly.

"No we were not. He was just helping me get something out of my eye." I lie

"So your eye and lips switched places and he was taking that 'thing' out with his lips right?" She asks.

"Umm yeah. Exactly."

"I'm not buying it. Tell me what really happened."

I give in and tell her everything, not leaving a single detail out.

"Aww. You two finally got together. We knew you couldn't stay away for long." She says.

"What do you mean?" I ask

"I mean we always knew you two were meant for each other. Even when you were with Levi I knew you still liked Oswald. You just didn't want to admit it." She explains. "I've got to go now. I really need to pack. See you tomorrow Rosy. Bye. Love you"

"Bye b. Love you."

Daniella has left tons of messages for me but I don't reply those now. I can't have an hour long explanation session again. Instead I tell her I'll explain everything tomorrow.

I put the phone aside and pick a book to study. The mid-term exams start tomorrow so I need to make sure I'm well prepared.

At 11, I start to feel sleepy so I give in to sleep after saying my prayers.

I take Rielle's advice to go with a simple gesture. I don't do this, ever, so it's quite difficult for me.

There was always something about her that drew me closer to her. I just thought it was her timid nature so I started going in for timid girls but it didn't feel right.

I found out a little more about her and got to know that she's actually open to the people close to her. I tried so hard to find someone like her but to no avail. It was just a wild goose chase.

And that's why I'm here today, in front of her house on Saturday to take her out. With a bouquet of flowers in my left hand, I ring the doorbell and wait for the door to be opened as the feeling of anxiety bubbles up in me.

After a minute or so the door opens and I'm completely taken aback by what I see.

So who or what do you think Rosalio saw?

Any guesses on who Rosalio's crush may be?

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