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"When I wake up, the dream isn't done. I wanna see your face and know I made it home. If nothing is true, what more can I do? I am still painting flowers for you." ~All Time Low


"You may start telling me the story now?" I urged Jade as my Toyota roared to life.

"I already told you, didn't I?" Jade answered as she fastened her seatbelt.

"What? You want me to believe that you actually do not know what's going on?"


"You're saying, he introduced his girl friend but when the bus stopped you two were in a tight embrace that if I didn't come, you won't even know that we're already home?"

"Sounds like it."

I sighed. I didn't know what sir Ence was thinking but this sounds trouble. And of all the things that I would like to show Jade as she took a step in a new life, trouble was not part of the list.

"Look, I've asked around about that girl that sir Ence introduced as his girl friend..." I paused and looked sideways. There, a split seconds pause, a sign that I got her attention. "She's not a regular employee. She's just filling in for someone. That's why I've never heard of her and she was not sitting next to sir Ence in the bus. I just don't know whether we'll see her again in the company but she's certainly no one."

Jade nodded, as if she had already perceived the trouble she's face with.

"But the thing is, people in the company now know that sir Ence has a girlfriend. He even made it official in front of them."

"Is it really that big of a deal?"

"When we're talking about sir Ence, yes, it is. I don't know where and how it began but they sort of have this agreement that whomever sir Ence introduced as his girl, they will secure their royal romance."

"Is that serious? It sounds so high school," Jade chuckled.

"Well, having seen you in a tight embrace with sir Ence, they may see you as a threat against that romance," I shrugged my shoulder.

"Wait until they hear that he kissed me in front of his friends," she giggled.

"He what?" I was taken aback. I didn't remember hearing this story.


"It just happened so quick that I didn't have the chance to actually react," I chose my words carefully. Not that I didn't want to tell my best friend the whole thing. I just didn't know how to tell it.

"Way to go, girl!" Victorique laughed, her eyes on the dark road before us. "May I know what caused the kiss?" she asked.

"What? Uhh... well...I... we kind of had a row over him not showing up then as I was talking he just suddenly kissed me. Uggh! Just forget about it. Those ladies don't need to know that anyway," I shook my head as I remembered the feel of his lips on mine.

"Well that won't please them that's one thing for sure. But hey, it really is confusing me. Why would sir Ence do something like kissing a girl but then introducing another girl as his girl friend?"

"Isn't it obvious? He's an utter jerk, an evil little cockroach in a suit."

Victorique laughed as she pulled on a driveway. It took me a while to realize that we're home.

"Just be careful with your words when you describe him in the company premises. Ladies of Flamel's are totally head-over-heels with the President," she smiled to me.

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