Chapter 2 - Filming in Switzerland Continues

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"Thanks Dr. Gang. I will. See you in 3 weeks." Ye Jin ended the call with her doctor, shifting slightly on the bed as she put down her cell phone. Bin was seated on the sofa on the opposite side of the room and had been listening intently to the conversation on speaker. The crew had just moved to a hotel in Zurich as the rest of the filming locations would be either in Zurich or within a few hours' drive or train from the city. They were in her hotel room in Zurich when she called her doctor to share the news and to ask for advice. Her doctor instructed her to get some bloodwork done in a clinic in the city and to email a copy of the results to her.

Bin stood up and moved to sit beside her on the bed, reaching out to hold her hand. Looking up to Bin, she shared, "The bloodwork will confirm my condition, but based on information we have so far, I am probably already 3 or 4 weeks on the way, and since the baby bump will not show until my 14th week, by the time it does we will already be back to Seoul". Bin smiled, revealing his alluring dimples which never failed to amuse her. Bin leaned over and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

They had 3 weeks of filming left in Switzerland. In the past week, they finished filming scenes in Iselwald where the scenes involved HB playing the piano on a small jetty and Ye Jin on a ferry on Lake Brienz. The shooting went relative well, except for the ferry scene which took a couple of takes as Ye Jin felt a bit seasick during the first shoot and they had to abort the take. Standing on the bow and looking ahead, she felt nauseous and had to sit down. She was normal comfortable on boats and enjoyed watersports and the beach, and so she wondered why she felt that way. "Maybe it's an effect of this", mumbling to herself while rubbing her tummy.

In between shooting takes in Iselwald, Ye Jin would crave for snacks, and so her manager would sneak out to the nearest convenience store to grab items specifically identified by Ye Jin. She would especially crave white chocolates. Her manager carried along a backpack full of snacks and handed her some at her request. Ye Jin would then find a bench somewhere with Bin and gorge on small packs of chocolates at a time. Meal time was also exciting, as she would crave certain Korean food, including tteokbokki. Luckily, her manager had the foresight to pack instant cups as well, scouring Zurich to find Asian stores where the product was available, and driving an hour over to stock up on supplies. Bin would prepare the cups himself.

The following week's schedule took them to First Flieger in Grindelwald to shoot the scene where Jeong Hyeok caught Se-ri landing her paraglider and they finally meet after 3 years of being away from each other. It was a short and easy shoot in the picturesque location. The 2 hour drive was quite enjoyable to the pair as the route was quite scenic in some spots. They passed through Lucerne, one of Ye Jin's favourites in her travels. On set, Bin had been following Ye Jin everywhere she went, trying to offer help any way he could while keeping a protective eye on her, and Ye Jin could only smile and feel special at the cute gesture, although being mindful that the crew might take notice. She would nudge Bin ever so often to remind him to be careful. Even if Director Lee's non-disclosure agreement was in place for all crew members, Ye Jin still requested Bin to not be too obvious. Bin couldn't help it though. At one of the takes, where Se-ri was trying to get out of the entangled mess which was her paraglider, Ye Jin laboured to actually get herself out and was quiet for a few seconds under the chute as she tried to unknot some cords that trapped her leg. Realizing that Ye Jin might need help, Bin immediately crawled under the pile of nylon and cords to find her, concern radiating from his eyes. He found her and helped her untangle the mess while asking her if she was okay. She nodded. Noting that both of them were completely covered by a tent of nylon, Bin lunged forward and stole a kiss onto Ye Jin's lips. "Stop that" she whispered as their lips separated. Bin smiled, then stole another kiss. Seconds later, they felt hands lifting the pile as a couple of crew members rushed to help get them out. Bin was staring at her, smiling, as the chute was remove from on top of them. The crew saw a blushing Ye Jin.

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