Chapter 6

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As soon as I knew it I was walking out of the high school, for the day. I quickly walked past bunches and crowds of people. I squirmed my way through the crowds of people and made my way to my grey car and hopped in.
I sit there for a while, trying to think about all the craziness. This is crazy and now I have to go to this movie night. Great.

I place the key in the ignition and that starts up the car.
I place my foot on the pedal and back up the car. Suddenly I see something out of my rear mirror. I quickly come to a stop and frantically breathe. The figure makes it's way to the side and opens the door and hops in the passenger seat.

"PAI-"I scream but she cuts me off.

"No no no. SHHHHH." She says cutting me off and placing her finger on her lips while looking around frantic.

"What are you doing here!? Why are you in my car?!" I ask a little bit easier now.

"I came to tell you that I wanna..ya know be friends again." she says with an innocent look.

"Yeah, well it's a little to late for that! You ruined mine and my friends life for years! You had me fooled and I don't know how you can expect me to forgive you! You're unbelievable for even asking me that!!" I practically scream.

"Emily," she starts with a sort of creepy tone. "I suggest you make the right desicion..are you sure this is it?" she says with a freakishly creepy expression painted on her face.

"Yes! This might not, be the best desicion for you, but it is for me! I'm not even supposed to be talking to you Paige!" I scream. "GET OUT OF MY CAR!"

"Wow Em, that takes courage! I guess I'll see you around." she says with the expression again and slowly exits the car.

She leaves me sitting there with all these things crowding my head. I hate her. I shake all the thoughts away after a few moments and continue to back up the car.

Once I'm on the road, I begin to feel more calm, the road before me seems soothing and I turn on the radio. The music calms me as well.
After a little while of driving I arrive at my house and hop out of the car. I grab my bag and keys and slam the car door shut. I walk up to the porch of my house and unlock the front door. As soon as I step in I smell Vanilla and Spice candles lit and I hear a vacuum roaring it's loud roar. Mom's cleaning again. It makes sense. Whenever my mother is stressed out or has something on her mind, she goes on major cleaning days and with my dad stationed in Texas and his whole arm deal, it makes sense to me why she is going on this sudden cleaning rampage.

I walk up the stairs and head into my room. I throw down my bag and flop down on my bed. I stare at the ceiling for what seems like forever when I hear a knock at my door.
"Come in." I say propping myself up a little bit higher on my comfortable sheets and blankets.

My mother soon walks in with the vacuum rolling behind her. She crosses her arms and looks at me with a smile.
"I didn't even realize you came in. You were so quite." she says moving closer. She sits down beside me on my bed and reaches up to my hair and pushes it out of my face.
"Yeah, I heard the vacuum and figured you were cleaning again." I say looking down.
"Yeah, I was," she starts running her hands up and down her capris. "I'm sorry I've been so distracted lately."
"Mom," I start. I place my hand on her shoulder and continue, "It's ok. Have you heard any news about.. you know, dad?" I ask with my eyes wide.
This was the moment. This one little bit of news could bring my soul up or can crush it like a grape. This one sentence can portray my automatic future, my families automatic future.
"No Em," she starts, tears forming in her eyes. "That's the thing, I haven't heard from him in 3 days, to tell you the truth I'm worried." She says wiping the tears off of her face. "I'm sorry, I'm supposed to be the parent." she says grinning through the pain.
"Mom, it's ok." I say once again, I'm starting to sound like a broken record.
I lean in for a hug and we sit there for 2 minutes exchanging sobs and tears.
I slowly slip away and we look at each other for while.
"Well," starts my mom brushing off her pants and a few more tears, "I should start making dinner. Em, it's your choice tonight." she says with a smile and waits for my response.
"Well actually mom," I say fiddling with my fingers, "Alison invited me over tonight for a movie night, Aria, Hanna, and Spencer are going too." I say staring down at the floor.
"Oh. I s-" she starts but then I cut her off.
"But I can cancel, I mean if you want to have a di-"
"Emily," she starts cutting me off, "Go, have fun." she says with a glance and smile.
"Mom are you sure because I can call-"
"Go!" she says and moved her hands into gestures.
I smile and hug her. Truth is I've been dreading this whole movie night the whole day. I would much rather stay at home with my mom but it doesn't seem like much of an option now. But who knows. Anything could happen tonight.

My mom heads out the door and let's me pack. I head into my closet and pull out a pink and black suitcase that should be able to fit a few things. The last time I used this suitcase was when we were all having that sleepover in Spencer's barn. 4 years ago when we thought Alison was dead. That was a hard time, for all of us, and those past few years start to lead me to think about A, and that starts to make me think about Paige and that makes me think about what happened today.

I shake my head trying to stop the flood of thoughts that seem to be filling my head. I threw my suitcase on my bed and opened my drawers. I pulled out some pajamas and a shirt with some pants. I grabbed my pillow and a blanket, and I stuffed all the crap inside. Of course it wouldn't shut so I jumped on it and sat on it until it zipped up.
I let out a huge sigh of relief and grab my phone and charger. I lift up the handle and roll it behind me, so turn off the light and head down stairs.
I run down the stairs and once I hit the bottom I see my mother sitting watching the TV.
She looks up and smiles widely. She stands up and walks over grabbing ahold of my arm and squeezing tightly.

"Do you need me to take you?" she asks with a grin.
"No, it's ok mom. I can drive myself." I say with a reassuring smile.
She nods and gives me a kiss and a hug. I sit down and slip on my shoes. I walk out of the door and I see the sky is filled with clouds and it's a dark grey color. I see the sky pouring buckets of rain. The rain compliments the sky an it's gotten a lot darker since I got home, it's only around 5 and it looks like it's 8. The rain drizzles down and falls upon my car.
I run to it and quickly hop in. I throw my stuff in the passenger seat and I sit for a second. I was just outside for 10 seconds and I was drenched, soaked even. I sit there and bang my head back against the seat. My make up is smeared and my hair is sopping. I look into the mirror and grab a make up remover wipe. I quickly wipe off the remainders of mascara and eyeliner that it trailed behind. I hear a ring from the seat and I pick up my phone.
It was from Alison.

Em, where are you? We are waiting, hurry please!

I quickly read the message outloud.
I reply back a simple reply.

On my way

I lock my phone and gently throw it onto the cushion on my seat. I pull the car into reverse and start heading down the slippery road.

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