Chapter 2 | Grandeur City

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    Shine was in awe as she stared at the city before her. It was much bigger then all of the Rainforest's multiple villages combined. There were buildings that stood as tall as full grown trees, and as wide as six dragons from what she could see.

The air was so fresh and the temperature was prefect, a comfortable warmth; yet sometimes a soft coolness followed after, like it tried to maintain the right degrees.

Wildflowers grew all around where they stood, though a well used road was where the plants avoided. An enormous tree stood in what looked like the heart of the city below, and from where Shine stood, she could see multiple different colored flowers bloom from it.

Shine was so awestruck, she hadn't realized Alchemy had spoken to her. She blinked her eyes, trying to come back to reality.

"Huh? Wha?"

Alchemy rolled her eyes playfully. "I said, 'let's go back to my place before someone sees you', I don't want them finding out about you and your RainWing self."

"My RainWing self?"

Alchemy gave her a short nod. "I'll explain later, for now, let's get going."

The NightWing started to walk away, leaving the smaller dragon to follow her, hot on her tail. Shine stayed close, knowing that if she didn't, she could get lost.

Alchemy looked around, before glancing at her for a moment, coming to a stop. A small wave of paranoia came over Shine.

"Look like a NightWing for me real quick."

Shine blinked, confused by the other. She wanted to ask why, but just tried to focus on what the other asked. She told her to change into a more NightWing like appearance, she could do that! She closed her eyes, trying to think.

NightWings: big, bulky, phantom black and dark gray dragons with spines, and more boxed end snouts, but not as boxed as MudWings. A few silver scales to resemble stars under the wings- ooo, maybe she could be fancy and have some purple!

Next, were the eyes. She hadn't met a NightWing with yellow eyes before Alchemy, just dark tones of green, blue, brown, and the occasional russet. Green, those would be nice on her.

Slowly she opened her eyes, and looked at her. A dark gray underbelly, ink black scales with phantom black top scales, her frill was flat against her to keep it hidden. Her wings had spirals of silver scales under them, like a shooting star.

She met Alchemy's eyes, seeing the look of awe on her before shaking her head. "Not bad, 'net. Now, stay that way until we get past them."


"The guards over there," she explained, pointing off ahead of them. Shine looked over, before spotting the two dragons, both SeaWings.

"Wouldn't it be better if I turned invisible?" Shine asked, looking up to the other with confused green eyes. Alchemy shook her head.

"They have a special motion activated counter, so if you went invisible, you would still be counted. They poofed it up like, over five years ago incase anyone snuck out."

Shine let out a small 'Ooh', beginning to follow Alchemy to the guards. The NightWing was swinging her hips slightly, tail confidently swaying behind her. Shine was confused, until she saw one of the guards gulp nervously, his stripes lighting up just a tiny bit from what Shine could see.

Alchemy came to them, making Shine stop beside her. Alchemy quietly cleared her throat, and looked to the guards, a glint in her eyes.

"Hello, boys," greeted the NightWing. The nervous looking SeaWing fumbled with his spear for a moment, like he wasn't sure to stay at his post or jump away from the animus.

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