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Sophia showed up to my apartment the next day as Ethan was dropping me off to grab a couple of my stuff because I was staying over at his place. I tell her about my idea of a DNA test and she agrees happily.


"Good day, Mr Isaac," Ethan says to the elderly man on the other side of the table as we sit,

"Good afternoon, Mr Dior, it's been a while, how's everybody at home?" Mr Isaac says to Ethan and says a good afternoon to me and Sophia, who looked nervous,

We exchange pleasantries.

"So are you gonna need blood samples?" I ask nervously

"No, all I need are saliva swabs and some fingernails clippings from both of you and you'll be good to go and in a couple of days, your result will be out," Mr Isaac says and I and Sophia visibly calm down immediately,

"Okay, thanks sir," I say shyly,

"Mr Isaac, we'll like some confidentiality too, we don't want this in out there, on the internet," Ethan says,

I never really thought of that I was grateful to have Ethan with me.

A nurse brings a couple of stuff into Mr Isaac office and he uses a cotton bud stuff to swab inside my cheek for saliva, he takes four swabs and clips a couple of my nails, Praise God I wasn't on acrylic nails. He does the same for Sophia

"I'll ring you up in a couple of days for your results," Mr Isaac says,

I thank him for his services, I collect Sophia's number as I and Ethan are about to leave in his car and go about the rest of my day.


The rest of the week ticked by excruciatingly slow but finally on Saturday, Mr Isaac calls me, saying the results were available and I should see him in his office. I ring up Sophia and she was gonna meet us there. Ethan drives me to the hospital.

"So it's now or never or do you need to catch a breathe" Ethan says, jokingly,

"Of course not, it obviously will just prove Sophia wrong and we can all get on with our lives, I feel bad though, she genuinely thinks I'm her daughter, maybe her whole life was built on this obsessive fixation and the DNA result will destroy that," I say as I open my door and get out, Ethan does the same and we walk up to the reception for the VIPs.

Our appointment was by 9am and the time was 8:30am. The nurse tells us we'll have to wait a little.

"Do you want anything? We didn't really eat breakfast, lets go grab something to eat," Ethan says,

"Okay," I say and Ethan leads the way.

We go to a mini McDonalds beside the hospital. Ethan gets a burger and chips on the side and I get a latte and a vegetarian sandwich. After eating quickly, we heard back to the reception. As we seat, Sophia walks in and says hi which I reply with a curt nod of my head.

"Miss Karla, Mr Isaac would like to see you now," The nurse says as she enters the room,

I nod and we all follow her into Mr Isaac's office.

"Miss Karla, there's a 99.9% that Miss Sophia here is your birth mother," Mr Isaac says looking at me and Sophia,

"There has got to be a mistake," I say,

"I knew you were going to say that so I did it a couple of times, I'm afraid it is true even though it seems unlikely," Mr Isaac says,

An early memory I have with my mum flash through my mind, it was when I was 6, I was learning to ride a bicycle and had fallen off it. She had cleaned my tears with a napkin and wiped the blood off my bleeding knee, blowing at it and muttering to me, trying to get me to calm down.

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