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"I'll get a Spicy Chicken Deluxe Sandwich, the combo, with the 8 pieces Chick-Fil-A Nuggets and a medium sized coke, please," I say to the waiter behind the counter,

I and Ethan were currently at Chick-Fil-A, I stand aside for Ethan to place his order. When he finishes, we wait around for our order to get ready.

"You know what, this is actually my first time inside Chick-Fil-A," Ethan says,

"You're kidding, you've had food from Chick-Fil-A before right?" I ask, I was shocked,

"Yeah, by getting it at the drive thru or somebody gets it for me," He says,

"Order #125, Your order is ready," The lady from the counter calls,

"Here's your order, will you be paying cash or card?" She asks, smiling softly at us,

"Card," I say, smiling at her as I hand her my card, Ethan looks at me funny, wondering why I was paying,

"How can you say, you've never actually been inside a Chick-Fil-A branch, you do drive thrus but never entered?" I ask Ethan, he nods a 'yes', "That's just weird, so for this being your first time being here because of me, it's my treat," I say to Ethan, who looks slightly embarrassed,

"Ma'am your card has been declined," The lady interrupts,

"What? Just try this card," I say handing her another card from my purse, she swipes it across the card machine thing,

"Declined too ma'am," She says,

"That can't be, I used these cards just recently," I say,

Here's one thing that has never happened in my entire life, being told my card was declined. I mean I've seen it happen in movies but it has never happened to me or any one around me. So what the hell was going on? I mean I'm a Kensington. A Kensington's card can't ever be declined, maxed out? Yes, we could always use our other numerous cards, but declined? Never.

"Here," Ethan says, handing her his card and pays for our order,

"I wanted it to be my treat," I say pouting, I frown as we head to our car, our food in his hands,

"Well you can do so another time babe," He says as we settle into his car,

"I wonder what that was about? Declined?" I worry out loud,

"It could just be a network issue or something, it's probably nothing to worry about love," He says, smiling as he drives,

Boy, was he wrong!!! Because that same day I was told the same thing and the day after that and now I have to reach out to my dad concerning my cards.


"Hey, it's Luke Kensington, leave a message," My dad's voice says through the phone,

I've been trying to reach him for 2 days now but keep getting his voicemail. I tried his assistant, she kept saying he was busy or in a meeting. At this point, I realized he deliberately was avoiding me.

"Hello," I say into my phone as my Step-mum answers her phone finally, after calling her 6 times and leaving voicemails,

"Karla, why haven't you been answering my calls or your father's?" She whispers through the phone,

"I had stuff going on, my cards... " I reply but I'm interrupted by her,

"I think you should come home, Karla, I don't know what you did or what is going on between you and your father, he doesn't want me or your siblings calling you, since you've refused to take any of our calls, you've got me worried Karla, please come home," She says and ends the call,

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