I woke and Avani is still sleeping so I woke her up to get ready "hey Avani wake up" I whispered to her and she woke up "hey um you can borrow my clothes" she said while rubbing her eyes "ok thank you" I got up and got clothes from her drawer and went inside the bathroom to change
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^your outfit^ You were done changing so you went downstairs "hey how you feeling" I asked Avani "I mean am feeling alright but not the best" she said "well am here for you you ok" I said "thank you" she said "no problem" I said and we left to go to school "hey wanna met the boys" I asked her "uh sure" she said and we walked to them "hey guys" I said "heyy" they said "oh your friend is back" Alvaro said "yeah um this is Avani" I said "Avani these boys are Mattia Alejandro Robert Alvaro Kairi and Roushoun" I said "hi guys" she said and we talked and talked until class started so we walked together cause we had periods 3 together and we got in class and I sat down next to Kairi "how was your day yesterday" he asked "oh it was AMAZING I met someone" I said "really who" I said and I punched his arm playfully "you, you dummy" I said "awww I knowwwww" he said and hugged me and we talked and then we got in trouble for talking so then we got to work Blah blah blah you know it it was lunch not that much then you went home *4 months pass* It's been 4 months and me and Kairi are really close not like dating we just hold hands and tell each other secrets and hangout and Alvaro is getting close to Avani "oh come on you two look cute together" I told Avani "really you know I have on crush on him but you think we look cute" she said "yesssirrrr" I said and we walked into class "what up bitches" I said walking up to the guys "so am your bitch now" Kairi said "not now you been my bitch" I said laughing and he got mad "3..." he said "2..." he counted "no wait bye!" I said and started running "1!" He said and chased me "ahh these kids" Robert said and then Kairi picked me up and put me on his shoulders "hey guys met my dog Bri" I said "ohh you bitch" I said and slapped his back "OWWW" he said and put me down "I hate you" he said "awww love you too" I said and our teacher walked in blah blah class was boring like always *SKIP TO LUNCH* We were sitting down and Avani pulled me aside "ok I know you like Kairi" she said "what how would you know" I said "aha you do" she said "no wait no I didn't mea-" Avani cut me off "it's ok you two look cute but you have to tell him" she said "ok one day I will but you have to tell Alvaro how you fell to" I said "deal" she said and we went back "soooo what you 2 talking about" Roushoun said "um we were talking about something" I said "hmm" he said and we talked until the bell rang then 10 minutes later the bell rang and I walked to class with Kai and were holding hands and talked the way to class and then we sat down in our sit but he was across the room *Bri's pov* Ughhh why does my best friend have to be cute and adorable I can't with him I feel like his is the ONE for me but I don't think he feels the same for me I mean what happens if he finds someone else and am lonely no stop this boy needs to stop being cute and playing with my feelings!!. *end of POV* Class ended so I went home changed in to sweats and a shirt and went to Avanis house I made it to her house and dropped off her clothes and went beck home I made it home I fell asleep