You guys made it to Avanis house and knocked on her door then she answered it B:holaaa PUTA A:hi hoe K:you guys actually call each other names M:their girls Alv:it's what they do B:it's because we're girls huh A:ikr Ale:huh B:"huh" my ass Ale:bet B:you wish Rob:can we go inside A:yeah
We all went inside and chilled everyone was yawing there phone and I got hella bored B:alright putos what do y'all wanna do K:what did you say B:puto K:I- B:shhh M:idk but am bored A:same B:what should we do Ale:uhh B:Alvaro and Roshoun you guys pick Alv:why is B:because you guys are leaving tomorrow and I want this day to be you know uhhhhhh fun ig Ro:bet Alv:ight Ro:let us thinkkkk B:okayyyyyy A:hey bri B:yeah A:can we talk in private B:sure brb guys
Avani took me up stairs and I got worried and all these thoughts going thru my brain
What if I did sum bad,what if she doesn't want to be my friend,idk hopefully it's nothing bad
We went to her room where no one can hear us
A:are you gonna tell me B:tell you what A:😏 B:what A:the park you Kairi B:oh OH A:so what happen tell me everything
Don't have to read it it's abt what happen at the park
B:fine we went to the park cause we were late to class so we skipped it and then sat at the bleachers and we talked he gave me the bracelet back it made me cry then we looked at each other then when you know it his soft lips were against mine then her got a call from Mattia I was doing a dance and he was looking I told him to keep liking something good night happen and he said he was waiting so I kissed him and it and we made out then I stoped he pulled me into another kiss and Mattia caught us and we came to yours A:wow B:Ik A:date B:yea- wait what A:date him B:idk A:come on B:idkkkk A:bri - I walked out and laughed while walking downstairs A:YOU BITCH I heard Avani yell for upstairs and she came downstairs and the boys laughed B:anyways so did you think Alv:oh Ro:we were busy talking to each other B:fine NOWs your time to think *boys pov while Avani and bri were upstairs* M:so Kairi K:yeah Alv:you and bri K:oh yeah Ale:I ship Rob:same M:no Alv:why M:kairi is mine Ro:oh nah I ship him more with Bri M:-sigh- Mairi forever Ale:lol Rob:you should ask her out Alv:yeah K:idk after all the things I have done to her Ale:Kai she likes you K:nah Alv:why do you think she got sad when you were dating Emily and Celia K:oh Ro:Kairi ask her out K:should I? M:I mean do it when you guys are together alone and having fun laughing and smiling I mean you did kiss her K:I know her soft lips Ale:ayeee
Then we heard bris cute laugh and we heard Avani yell witch made us laugh *end of pov* Ro:ight how about we go to the movies andddddd Alv:have a sleep over ig A:that sounds good B:yeah
We all agreed on that so we went home Kairi dropped everyone off and I was last K:hey bri B:yeah K:are you talking to someone B:no K:oh okay
Then we made it to my house B:pick me up at K:5 B:30 mins K:bri were going to the movies B:you right byee love K:byee
Before I left I have gave him a kiss on the cheek and went inside
Okay so I need to get ready I showered did a little makeup and put on my outfit
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^your outfits^
You were done and you texted Kairi to bring you a hoodie because all your hoodies were dirty and he said okay and he was in his way with everyone so you went downstairs and got water
5 minutes later
You heard a beep and I went outside and it was the boys and Avani