Me and Avani were chilling and Avani went to the bathroom and then I heard a knock I didn't want to open it cause I looked bad but they kept knocking so I opened it and it was Ale and Mattia "uhh bri you look horrible are you ok" Mattia asked "uh no still hurt but that's life" I said "Bri where were you last night" Ale asked "once I saw Kairi making out with the girl I left but I didn't go home cause I know you guys would go to my house so I went to the park for 2 hours" I said sad "can we come in" he said "uh sur-" I got cut off by Avani "for what" she said "so we can solve this out" Ale said "well bri is still hurt so can you guys wait tomorrow at school cause she hurt and talking about will hurt her more" she said "ok um tomorrow at school then" Mattia said "ok I will text you bye" I said "bye" they both said *boys POV* Me and ale went to bri's house her eyes were still kinda red from crying we felt bad for her so we went to Mattia's house and we called the boys 10 mins later the boys are here even kairi *k (Kairi) M (Mattia) A (Alejandro) Ro (Roshoun) R(Robert) Al (Alvaro)* Al:hey guys All boys:sup A:so we went to bri's house Ro:how is she K:she ok M:uh we well say not ok R:what happened A:well she's hurt K:why Al:is it the party A:yeah M:she looked like she has been crying since yesterday K:why tho... Ro:you don't remember R:yeah your the reason K:me why me!? A:uhh well M:remember when you said you liked her but you were talking to Emily K:yeah Al:welllllll K:welll what R:am just gunna say you fucked up M:fr bri is pretty, fun and sweet K:tell me what I fucked up A:you made out in front of her K:what no why with who M:Emily you FUCKED up big time K:fuck *END OF POV* Once the boys left a started crying "Bri no no it's ok" Avani said "it's not I lost my best friend that I thought loved me but am nothing" I said "no no you will find the one it takes time" she said "but why him" I said "why the person that meant the world to me why my best friend" I said "I don't know bri" she said "let make cupcakes and watch America Horror Story cause I know you LOVE that show" she said "yeah I love you Avani thank you" I said hugging her "np but we neeed to go buy ingredients so go get ready will be waiting for you while I check what we need" she said "ok" I said and went to my room showered did a little makeup and put my outfit on
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^your outfit^ I was done changing so I went downstairs "girl you look emo but you like a bad bitch to" she "uh thanks ready to go" I asked "uh yeah I don't have anything the only thing we have is egg, pan and the spray thing" she said and I laughed is that all we have" I said "oh no you have food just not the ingredients" she said "oh ok" I said and we left to the store to go buy the ingredients "oOooOoO" she said "what" I said "sprinkles and icing" she said "oOoOOooo let's get it" is said "down to make a cake" she said "hell yeah" and we went to get the cake ingredients "ohhh rainbow cake" she said "yeah I never tried it so let's get it" I said we got everything we needed and headed home it was 4:30 pm so we did the cupcakes first they turned out really nice "um let's do the cake tomorrow cause it's 6:00" she said "yeah those took so long to do" I said "yeah cause we didn't know what to do" she laughing and a laughed "ok ok so let's take these to the living room and watch America Horror Story" she said "let's get it" I said and we watched America Horror Story is was the best scary cause I like scary movie and we feel asleep on the couch cause we were tired and then we woke up at 5 am "fuckkkk" I whisper "I know right" she said "oh shit I thought you were asleep" I said giggling "ha I scared your ass" she said "stfu and let's get ready" I said laughing "bitch at....5 in the morning" she said looking at her phone" she said "yesss bitch" I said and I went to brush my teeth "FUCK I don't wanna go to school" I said "why" she said "you know why" I said with a sad face "look bri I won't leave your side I will be with you I will wait for outside of your class until you feel comfortable ok" she "ok love you am gunna go shower and change" I said going upstairs stairs "I will use the guest bathroom" Avani said and went to shower I came out and changed into my outfit
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^your outfit^ I went downstairs and Avani was in her phone "hola" I said "hey it's cold outside get a sweater" she so went to get a gray sweater and we left to school and we had 1 hour left cause it was 5 in the morning so we talked until people came in the school